CVM Classrooms, Special Teaching Labs, and Conference Rooms
The College of Veterinary Medicine has several classical theater-style lecture halls but also provides multipurpose teaching, learning, & collaboration spaces in our Main building and our Research building. CVM IT maintains the computing, audiovisual, collaboration and Panopto recording equipment in these spaces.
Molecular Medicine Conference Rooms | Cornell University …
Room Reservations. To reserve a room, click the calendar preview link for the desired location to find an available time slot and use the dropdown menu to view the room description.
Spaces - NC State University Libraries
The majority of the rooms inside the Vet Med Library are available first-come, first-serve. The conference rooms (A101, A103, and A109) should be reserved using the CVM's Room Reservation System. Patrons can apply to reserve the …
Reserve a Room - NC State University Libraries
Whether you're looking for a big table, rolling whiteboard, or comfy lounge seating, we have a space for you. Explore all of our spaces. What are the guidelines for reserving and using a room? View guidelines.
Facilities, Services and Resources | Cornell University College of ...
CVM Event Coordinators: Confirm space needs (6 months in advance) with Kate Davenport. All events must be scheduled through the Room Scheduler and, when necessary, 25LIVE:
A103 Conference Room - NC State University Libraries
Room Features. Conference table and seating; 84" screen with built-in PC and wireless keyboard and mouse; HDMI port and wireless connection (Crestron AirMedia) available ; Videoconferencing camera and microphone; Radiograph light box mounted on wall; Whiteboard; Tech support contact: (919) 513-6677 ext. 2 or [email protected]
CVM Wellness Spaces | College of Veterinary Medicine
In addition to the Carmichael Gym on main campus, the CVM offers a small gym in the Main Building room D100. You’ll find treadmills, ellipticals, free weights, and more. Use your Wolfpack One Card to access this space at any time.
Room Reservations | College of Veterinary Medicine at MSU
Please see InsideCVM, our College intranet system, for instructions and room availability. Who Are the Members of My Animal's Veterinary Health Team? CHOP VS. LOPP Chemotherapy as a First Line Treatment for Naïve Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma in Dogs.
Space Availability - College of Veterinary Medicine Library
You can reserve our rooms any time the Library is open. Our 4 study rooms accommodate up to 4 people and are equipped with white boards, TV/DVD/VCR, or 42" flat-screen monitors. You have reached the end of the bookable window.
Learning Facilities - Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
The college boasts seven fully-equipped lecture halls, small group learning rooms, and a state-of-the-art Clinical Skills Center, each designed to support your learning journey.