List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy - Wikipedia
In the United States Navy, these ships are designated with hull classification symbols such as CV (Aircraft Carrier), CVA (Attack Aircraft Carrier), CVB (Large Aircraft Carrier), CVL (Light …
USS Arizona (CVN-85) - The Kristoffer's Universe In War Wiki
The PCU USS Arizona (CVN-85) is the eighth Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier built for the United States Navy. The ship was launched on November 30, 2038, christened on December …
USS Enterprise (CVN-80) - Wikipedia
USS Enterprise (CVN-80) will be the third Gerald R. Ford -class aircraft carrier to be built for the United States Navy. [8][9] She will be the ninth United States naval vessel and third aircraft …
Could CVN 85 be named USS Donald J Trump? - Naval Technology
2025年1月14日 · Following the naming of the next two Gerald R Ford-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers by the US Navy as the future USS William J Clinton (CVN 82) and USS …
USN Ships -- by Hull Number: CV -- Aircraft Carriers - The …
These retained their original CVE series numbers. This page provides the hull numbers of all U.S. Navy aircraft carriers numbered in the CV series, with links to those with photos available in …
美國海軍航空母艦列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
美國海軍航空母艦列表收錄了美國海軍己退役或現役中的航空母艦,包括船級屬於cv、cva、cvb、cvl或cvn的全部艦隻。 編號在CVA-58之後的都屬於 超級航空母艦 ( 排水量 超過75,000 …
Could CVN 85 Be Named USS Donald J. Trump? | RealClearDefense
2025年1月15日 · The outgoing Secretary of the Navy has named CVN 82 and CVN 83 after former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush.
美国“企业”号航母交付时间推迟到2029年,CVN-82采购推时间迟 …
2024年3月16日 · 美国海军去年就已经在考虑推迟cvn-82及cvn-83的采购,并希望继续采取批量签订购买合同战略,部分原因正是因为cvn-80“企业”推迟了一年。
U.S.S. Wilmington | NCIS Database | Fandom - ncis.fandom.com
The U.S.S. Wilmington (CVN-85) is an aircraft carrier. It made its debut appearance in NCIS Season 11, Monsters and Men (episode), where in February 2014 after being captured that a …
제럴드 R. 포드급 항공모함 - 나무위키
2025年3月10日 · 전 세대 항공모함인 니미츠급 항공모함 의 함체 기본 설계는 대부분 동일하지만 최신 기술이 적용되었다는 점에서 차이가 발생한다. 새로 개발된 A1B 원자로를 2기 탑재한 것이 …