Hydraulic System Control for a Hybrid Continuously Variable ...
Abstract: An electric oil pump (EOP) for the hydraulic system of a continuously variable transmission (CVT) based hybrid electric vehicle is developed by considering the arrangement of structures and the realization of an electric drive mode (EDM). The basic parameters required for the EOP motor are obtained by analyzing the flow rate and ...
Electric oil pump design of hybrid continuously variable …
2019年4月18日 · An electric oil pump (EOP) must be used to supply oil for actuators in the hybrid continuously variable transmission (CVT) on the launch state of vehicle. To develop this EOP, the current CVT-based hybrid schemes and the use of EOP …
Research on Clamping Force Control of CVT for Electric Vehicles …
2022年3月9日 · The low mechanical efficiency of metal belt’s continuously variable transmission (CVT) limits its application in new energy vehicles. To further improve CVT efficiency and reduce the energy consumption of electric vehicles (EVs) with CVT, this paper proposes a pure electric CVT configuration and a clamping force control strategy.
基于电动油泵的混合动力无级变速器液压系统控制 - X-MOL
2018年9月3日 · 通过考虑结构布置和电驱动模式(EDM)的实现,开发了一种用于基于无级变速器(CVT)的混合动力电动汽车液压系统的电动油泵(EOP)。 通过分析CVT的流量和压力,得到EOP电机所需的基本参数。 然后设计并开发了EOP电机。 测量并分析不同电磁阀的电流-压力特性,以设计CVT速比控制器。 在仅使用EOP作为液压系统动力源的情况下,详细分析了速比控制器、压力控制器和EOP控制策略。 速比控制器和EOP控制策略的性能在试验台上得到验证。 实验 …
Electric Oil Pump Design of Hybrid Continuously Variable Transmission
2019年4月18日 · An electric oil pump (EOP) for the hydraulic system of a continuously variable transmission (CVT)-based hybrid electric vehicle is developed, by considering the...
电动油泵 | Valeo
2024年9月3日 · 电动油泵 (EOP) 主要用于对所有类型的变速箱(自动变速箱 – AT、干式或湿式双离合变速箱 – DCT、专用混合动力变速器 – DHT、无级变速箱 – CVT、手动变速箱 – MT、减速器)进行润滑和冷却(齿轮、离合器、电驱)以及较低比例的驱动(离合器、液压换档、液压驻车锁)。 对于这两个应用领域,法雷奥还提供智能泵,即具有多种主动功能组合的电动油泵。
汽车电动油泵 | NIDEC(尼得科) - Nidec Corporation
Electrical oil pump | Electric lubrication & cooling | Valeo
2024年9月2日 · Electrical Oil Pumps (EOP) are mainly used in all types of transmissions (Automatic Transmission – AT, dry or wet Dual Clutch Transmission – DCT, Dedicated Hybrid Transmission – DHT, Continuous Variable Transmission – CVT, Manual Transmission – MT, reducer) for lubrication and cooling (gears, clutches, eDrive) and in a lower ...
Nidec推出第二代车载用电动油泵(EOP),具有卓越的轻量级、 …
2022年9月2日 · 日本电产东测新研发的第二代EOP,体积和重量均为日本电产集团的 “E-Axle”所搭载的第一代EOP的一半,在“轻量化” 方面取得了较大突破,推出了同级别产品中具有进步性的轻量级产品。
Oil Pump : Hitachi Astemo Americas, Inc. - Hitachi Automotive
Electric Oil Pump (EOP) This electric oil pump was developed for cooling the transmission in a hybrid car. The new pump features low cost and is easy to install on the transmission thanks to a design that integrates the pump motor and controller (inverter) into the pump housing.
KR20170111606A - 하이브리드 차량용 변속기를 동작시키는 eop의 …
제1 모터, 제2 모터, 및 엔진에 의해 구동되는 하이브리드 차량용 변속기를 동작시키는 EOP (electric oil pump)의 제어방법은, 제어기가, 제1 모터의 윤활에 필요한 유량과 제2 모터의 윤활에 필요한 유량과 제1 모터의 냉각 및 제2 모터의 냉각에 필요한 유량에 근거하여 EOP에 포함된 저압 펌프의 회전수를 확정하는 단계와,...
(PDF) Study on the Design and Speed Ratio Control Strategy of ...
2023年1月1日 · To solve the problems of traditional CVT used for EV, a newly designed electric CVT (ECVT) is proposed. The final drive ratio, speed ratio range of variator and hydraulic system of ECVT are...
停止中のみ作動する電動オイルポンプ(EOP:Electrical Oil Pump 以降 EOP と記述)が必要となる1).アイ ドリングストップシステムは,比較的低コストで導入できる技術であるが,既存スペース内に設置するため
Influencing Factors of Electric Vehicle Economy Based on …
The wide speed ratio range and continuously variable ratio characteristics of continuously variable transmission (CVT) can effectively improve the energy economy of electric vehicle (EV). However, the relatively low mechanical efficiency and high hydraulic loss limit its application in EV.
The Development of ECU-Integrated Electric Oil Pump for …
2017年3月28日 · To overcome this shortcoming, we have developed an ECU (electronic control unit)-integrated oil pump in which a driver, a motor and a pump are incorporated as a single unit. In the course of the project, we focused on improving vibration resistance and developing a compact design.
SC275 – Idle Stop & Go (ISG) Electric Oil Pump (EOP) - OEMDTC
2023年8月3日 · Surpasses OEM Fluid Performance: Meets all functionality requirements for CVT manufacturers; Better, more reliable, longer lasting performance than OEM and factory fluids for both chain & belt CV transmissions in European, Asian, and US vehicles
电子油泵 EOP - CSDN博客
2024年9月16日 · EOP(Electric Oil Pump)是一种电动驱动的油泵,广泛应用于汽车及其他机械设备中,负责将油输送到发动机、变速器或其他需要润滑和冷却的部件。 相较于传统的机械油泵,EOP具有更高的效率、更好的控制性和 灵活性。 EOP的基本工作原理是利用电动机驱动泵体内的转子或叶轮,将油液从油箱吸入并通过管路输送到指定位置。 其工作过程通常包括以下几个步骤: 电动机启动:通过电控系统接收到信号,电动机开始运转。 吸油:泵体内形成负压,将油液 …
Abstract: An electric oil pump (EOP) must be used to supply oil for actuators in the hybrid continuously variable transmission (CVT) on the launch state of vehicle. To develop this EOP, the current CVT-based hybrid schemes and the use of EOP …
Local Emergency Operations Planning Guidance - CT.gov
The all hazards, Local Emergency Operations Plan Template was revised in August 2016 to provide a template for use in meeting the requirements set forth in Connecticut General Statutes Section 28-7 (a). The following tools and resources were developed to assist local Municipalities and Tribal Governments in meeting these requirements.