CW16 9-Wheel Pneumatic Rollers | Cat - Caterpillar
The Cat® CW16 9-wheel pneumatic roller offers an operating weight range of 5200 kg to 15 000 kg (11,484 lb - 33,069 lb) for excellent versatility and performance. Equipped with an efficient Cat engine, this machine delivers smooth, reliable performance on grades and soft base materials.
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Cat - Scene7
2016年5月19日 · The Cat® CW16 is a standard 9-wheel pneumatic roller with an option to increase to 11 wheels. Equipped with an efficient Cat engine, this machine delivers smooth, reliable compaction performance on asphalt and soft base materials. n Exceptional Visibility and Control with a rotating operating station, LCD display and touch-pad machine functions.
Caterpillar CW16 Specifications & Technical Data (2015-2025)
See detailed specifications and technical data for Caterpillar CW16 manufactured in 2015 - 2025. Get more in-depth insight with Caterpillar CW16 specifications on LECTURA Specs.
CW16 11 轮 充气轮胎压路机 | Cat - Caterpillar
Cat® CW16 具有 11 个车轮,提供的工作重量范围在 5300 kg 到 14900 kg(11685 lb 到 32849 lb)之间,实现了卓越的多功能性和性能。 此机器配有高效 Cat 发动机,可在坡路和软路基物料上提供平稳可靠的性能。
CW16 11 輪式 充氣輪胎壓路機 | Cat | Caterpillar
Cat® 11 輪式 CW16 工作重量在 5,300 kg 到 14,900 kg (11,685 lb 到 32,849 lb) 之間,用途廣泛,性能卓越。 機器使用高效 Cat 引擎,面對斜坡和軟性物料時,性能表現依然平穩可靠。
CW16 9-Wheel | H-CPC
The Cat® CW16 9-wheel pneumatic roller offers an operating weight range of 5200 kg to 15 000 kg (11,484 lb - 33,069 lb) for excellent versatility and performance. Equipped with an efficient Cat engine, this machine delivers smooth, reliable performance on grades and soft base materials.
Cat CW16 Pneumatic Roller | Mantrac 中国 | Local Caterpillar dealer
Cat® CW16 9 轮充气轮胎压路机提供的工作重量范围在 5200 kg 到 15000 kg(11484 lb 到 33069 lb)之间,实现了卓越的多功能性和性能。 此机器配有高效 Cat 发动机,可在坡路和软路基物料上提供平稳可靠的性能。
CW16 9-Wheel - Hawthorne Cat
The Cat® CW16 9-wheel pneumatic roller offers an operating weight range of 5200 kg to 15 000 kg (11,484 lb - 33,069 lb) for excellent versatility and performance. Equipped with an efficient Cat engine, this machine delivers smooth, reliable performance on grades and soft base materials.
CW16 Pneumatic Roller - Ohio CAT
The Cat® CW16 9-wheel pneumatic roller offers an operating weight range of 5200 kg to 15 000 kg (11,484 lb - 33,069 lb) for excellent versatility and performance. Equipped with an efficient Cat engine, this machine delivers smooth, reliable performance on grades and soft base materials.
Cat CW16 9-Wheel
The Cat® CW16 9-wheel pneumatic roller offers an operating weight range of 5200 kg to 15 000 kg (11,484 lb - 33,069 lb) for excellent versatility and performance. Equipped with an efficient Cat engine, this machine delivers smooth, reliable performance on grades and soft base materials.