Specification CX640 | MSI Global - The Leading Brand in High …
Inspired by top-of-the-line luxury sedans and a design concept integrating external quality and internal performance, MSI created the CX640, two laptop computers characterized by unassuming sophistication and beauty. The jet black and silver color choices and brush finish underscore the unparalleled elegance of the CX640.
Specification CX640 | 微星科技 - 高階電競及專業創作的領導品牌
MSI 獨家GPU Boost 科技: MSI獨顯機種CX640筆電搭載 Windows® 7 Home Premium,配置nVidia GeForce GT520M獨立顯示卡,內建1GBDDR3顯示記憶體,更支援DirectX 11,提供強悍的運算效能。 此外,在MSI GPU Boost技術加持之下,為您全自動切換繪圖晶片,當筆電在運行需要高影像處理效能的應用程式時,系統會自動切換成獨立顯示卡模式,提供強悍的繪圖效能。 若執行一般文書作業或網頁瀏覽工作時,則會自動轉回整合式繪圖晶片模式,大幅節省電力消耗, …
MSI Global - The Leading Brand in High-end Gaming
As a world leading gaming brand, MSI is the most trusted name in gaming and eSports. We stand by our principles of breakthroughs in design, and roll out the amazing gaming gear like motherboards, graphics cards, laptops and desktops.
MSI CX640 review: MSI CX640 - CNET
The MSI CX640 may not be the prettiest 15.6-inch laptop around, or the sveltest, but it certainly offers decent performance. Running on an Intel Core i5 processor, it'll set you...
MSI CX640 Reviews, Pros and Cons | TechSpot
2012年11月16日 · MSI have been consistently releasing some of the finest enthusiast grade hardware in the last year and today we are looking at their competitively priced CX640 15.6 laptop which features a...
msi微星CX640-32312G50SX - 中关村在线
中关村在线为您提供msi微星CX640-32312G50SX笔记本电脑最新报价,同时包括msi微星CX640-32312G50SX图片、msi微星CX640-32312G50SX参数、msi微星CX640-32312G50SX评测行情、msi微星CX640-32312G50SX论坛、msi微星CX640-32312G50SX点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买msi微星CX640-32312G50SX笔记本 ...
【msi微星CX640】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_msi微星CX640系列 …
Specification CX640 | MSI Deutschland
Inspired by top-of-the-line luxury sedans and a design concept integrating external quality and internal performance, MSI created the CX640, two laptop computers characterized by unassuming sophistication and beauty.
【msi微星CX640参数】msi微星CX640系列笔记本电脑参数-ZOL …
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MSI CX640 (i747W7P) - full specs, details and review
Complete technical specifications, details, expert ratings and review of MSI CX640 (i747W7P). Find out how your chosen laptop stacks up against the competition and whether it's the one that best meets your expectations with the laptop comparison feature.