Hem - CZ Motocross
About CZ Motocross; About StiBoMotor; Select Page. StiBo Motor - Service and restoration of CZ Motocross since 1966. View our bikes. 1960 CZ 200cc Type 964 Twin Pipe Prototype. 1 July, 2018. 1964 CZ 250cc Type 968 Twin Pipe Magnesium Engine. 25 June, 2018. 1971-72 CZ 125cc Type 984. 19 July, 2022.
About CZ Motocross
ČZ proved to be much more successful with motocross and became well known for its powerful two-stroke off-road motorcycles. They were the first company to use expansion chambers in their exhaust pipes.
CZ Moto-cross Motorcycles
2014年2月1日 · CZ revolutionized the sport of moto-cross in the 1960's. Riders on 250 CZ's won more grand prix than any other brand in that decade, and the 360 CZ brought an end to 4-stroke domination in the 500 class, (until the early 1990's that is).
Original CZ World Championships - Vintage Motocross Racing
The Original CZ World Championships, featuring CZ motorcycles and ALL BRANDS of Vintage and long-travel MX support classes, are held the last weekend in April every year. This is THE premier vintage motocross event on the West Coast and we welcome all riders from all organizations as long as they love vintage dirt bikes, camaraderie and to race ...
CZ’s twin port 250 and 360 were the final nails in the coffins of the four stroke behemoths when the Czech factory rewrote motocross history in the mid 1960s. The twin port 250 was a replica of CZ’s own works GP bike, yet marked the close of one era for CZ as the new 360cc set the factories rules of motocross motorcycle technology for the ...
CZ Motocross Bikes For Sale
About CZ Motocross; About StiBoMotor; Select Page. CZ Motocross Bikes For Sale. 1960 CZ 200cc Type 964 Twin Pipe Prototype. ... SOLD – 1965 CZ 175cc Type 971 Enduro Side Pipe 5 Gears. SOLD – 1965 CZ 360cc Type 969/0 Twin Port …
CZ Motorbikes for Sale - Car and Classic
Looking to buy a CZ Motorbike? Complete your search today at Car & Classic where you will find the largest and most diverse collection of classics in Europe.
1972 CZ 125 MX - Jones MX Collection
The infamous "Yellow Tank" CZ motocross bikes were produced for three years, from 1970 – 1972. In addition to the 250 and 400cc MX models, the 125 MX was CZ's first production 125 motocross bike. However, it's my understanding that 1971 was the first year the 125 MX was imported into the US.
TipMoto.com - motobazar
TipMoto.com zprostředkovává prodej motorek a čtyřkolek od motofirem tisícovkám zákazníků z celé republiky. Motobazar obsahuje všechny informace o prodávaných strojích i fotky motorek.
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Moto.cz je motocyklový portál o všem ze světa motocyklů. Motorky, motorkáři, motocyklová historie, výsledky závodů, zprávy a články ze světa motocyklů a motosportu.