Vz. 61蠍式衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1961年型衝鋒槍 (捷克語: Samopal vzor 61,簡稱:Sa vz. 61或vz. 61),也被稱為蠍式(捷克語: Škorpion)是一款由 捷克斯洛伐克 製造的7.65毫米口徑衝鋒槍。 蠍式衝鋒槍是1959年由捷克槍械設計師Miroslav Rybář設計,其設計目的是為了向非前線戰鬥步兵單位提供一種重量輕,但比起手槍更有效的 個人防衛武器。 另一說是此槍的出現是為了取代捷克軍隊在大戰後所繼承的 毛瑟M712速射型手槍 [1]。 該槍的原型在1959年推出,稱為S-59衝鋒槍。 在1961年正式獲得採用 …
CZ VZ 61 Scorpion For Sale $438.99, Review, Price - In Stock
CZ VZ 61 Scorpion Fit & Finish The Skorpion definitely shows that it is a product of Soviet cold war engineering from its design to its production. The most unique part of this gun is its fire rate reducer located inside the pistol grip.
The vz. 61 Skorpion: The World’s Favorite Machine Pistol
2021年10月29日 · Unique in both concept and design, the Czech vz. 61 Skorpion machine pistol has won hearts on both sides of the law since its inception. The vz. 61 Skorpion (or Škorpion in Czech) is what happens when compactness takes precedence in a personal defense weapon.
Škorpion - Wikipedia
The Škorpion vz. 61 (or Sa vz. 61 Skorpion) is a Czechoslovak machine pistol developed in 1959 by Miroslav Rybář (1924–1970) and produced under the official designation Samopal vzor 61 ("submachine gun model 1961") by the Česká zbrojovka arms factory in Uherský Brod from 1963 to 1979. The standard version uses .32 ACP ammunition.
Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
Our BATFE approved Sa vz. 61 Pistol is the semi-automatic version of the legendary Sa vz. 61 submachine gun (machine pistol) designed in the late 1950´s in Czechoslovakia. The Sa vz. 61 was designed for reconnaissance units, tank crews, Special Forces, and for security forces of the Ministry of Interior.
2015年11月1日 · It maybe a 7.65/32acp pistol, but with a 20 round magazine and the very light recoil, (think .22 mag pistol recoil, now add a tiny bit) and the accuracy. You can just place your target in the sights and dump the magazine as fast as you can, and most if not all shots will be where you pointed.
VZ 61 Pistol For SALE - AtlanticFirearms.com
The semi-automatic Sa VZ 61 Pistol, approved by the BATFE, is the semiautomatic version the legendary Sa VZ 61 Submachine Gun, which was developed in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. Special reconnaissance units, special forces, tank crews and security forces of Ministry of Interior used the Sa VZ 61.
The Czech vz. 61 Skorpion :: Guns.com
2013年3月1日 · Semi-automatic Czech Skorpion without stock and select fire switch. With compactness a buzzword, Rybar designed a short-barreled select-fire pistol that could still be worn in a side holster. A...
CZ V61 Skorpion - Best Handgun
The CZ V61 Skorpion machine pistol was quite the revolutionary idea for its time, introduced in 1961. When the term “personal defense weapon” started being passed around, it described a small submachine gun for truck drivers, tank drivers and non-front line personal.
Gun Review: Czech Small Arms Sa vz. 61 Pistol
2024年3月10日 · The CSA vz. 61 semi-automatic pistol comes in a sturdy plastic case and includes two 20-round magazines, one 10-rounder and a cleaning rod. There’s no way around it; the Skorpion just looks sexy in an eastern bloc kinda way. CSA was smart to continue offering a model that’s true to the original.