California's 30th congressional district - Wikipedia
California's 30th congressional district is a congressional district in the U.S. state of California. The district was represented by Democrat Adam Schiff until December 2024 when he was elected to the senate. Democrat Laura Friedman was elected to …
USS Houston (CA-30) - Wikipedia
USS Houston (CL/CA-30), was a Northampton-class cruiser of the United States Navy. She was the second Navy ship to bear the name "Houston".
California’s 30th Congressional District - CA-30 Representatives ...
2021年1月20日 · Find your U.S. Congress senators and representative in California’s 30th Congressional District (CA30) using a map.
California's 30th Congressional District election, 2024
2023年12月8日 · All U.S. House districts, including the 30th Congressional District of California, held elections in 2024. The general election was November 5, 2024. The primary was March 5, 2024. The filing deadline was December 8, 2023. Both Laura Friedman (D) and Alex Balekian (R) completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey.
Jiefang CA-30 - Wikipedia
The Jiefang CA-30 is a military truck used widely by the Chinese People's Liberation Army. It is a licensed-produced Soviet ZIL-157 6x6 army truck and looks similar to the original, except that it has square fenders rather than round fenders as on the Soviet-produced ZIL-157.
California 30th Congressional District Election Results - The New …
2024年11月5日 · Laura Friedman, a Democrat, wins the 30th District in California. Race called by The Associated Press. The vote count has been certified in California. Source: Election results …
解放CA-30:中国第一款军用越野车的传奇故事 - 懂车帝
2023年12月6日 · 解放ca-30军用卡车,是中国在上世纪50年代末期仿制苏联吉尔-157型越野车而研制的一款三轴驱动的多功能军车,也是中国第一款自主生产的军用越野车。
CA30型越野车 - 百度百科
1963年-1964年,CA30越野车针对试验和部队使用中暴露的性能和质量问题,在设计上做了7项重大改进。 原越野车车头视野不好,改进后提高了行车安全性与机动性;原驱动桥强度不够,改进后基本消除了原有缺陷。 原车型在冬季严寒地区起动困难,加入冬季低温起动预热装置后效果良好。 改进后的越野车型号定为CA30A型。 1966年,CA30A型越野车突破了年产3000辆的设计纲领。 1970年,越野车实现了产量翻番的目标,年产达到6040辆。 1971年是产量最高的一年,由于 …
意大利的三发浪漫——卡普罗尼Ca.30家族杂谈 - 知乎
在俄罗斯人的骄傲首次飞上天空数月以后的1914年10月,卡普罗尼就推出了他的Ca.30重型轰炸机。 这架大飞机使用了三台串列布置在机身内的发动机,两台80马力,一台100马力,最后一台直接与机身后的 推进式螺旋桨 相连,由于这样的动力布局,这一型号也被称为 ...
USS Houston CA-30
USS Houston CA-30 is a website dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of the USS Houston, a World War II cruiser.