肿瘤标志物科普-CA50 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CA50是胰腺和结、直肠癌的标志物,是最常用的糖类抗原肿瘤标志物,因其广泛存在胰腺、胆囊、肝、胃、结直肠、膀胱、子宫,它的肿瘤识别谱比CA19-9广,因此它又是一种普遍的肿瘤标志相关抗原,而不是特指某个器官的肿瘤标志物。 CA50在多种恶性肿瘤中可检出不同的阳性率,对 胰腺癌 和 胆囊癌 的阳性检出率居首位,占94.4%;其它依次为 肝癌 (88%)、卵巢与子宫癌 (88%)和 恶性胸水 (80%)等。 可用于胰腺癌、胆囊癌等肿瘤的早期诊断,对肝癌、胃癌、 …
超全!CA50 升高的临床意义,看这一篇就够了! - 腾讯网
Dec 2, 2020 · 血清 CA50 水平升高通常在临床上用于诊断或监测胰腺癌和结直肠癌。 因 CA50 广泛存在胰腺、胆囊、肝、胃、结直肠、膀胱、子宫,其肿瘤识别谱比 CA19-9 广。 当细胞恶变时,由于糖基转化酶的失活或胚胎期才能活跃的某些转化酶被激活,造成细胞表面糖类结构性质改变而形成 CA50。 因此,它是一种普遍的肿瘤标志相关抗原,而不是特指某个器官的肿瘤标志物。 CA50 在疾病诊断中的作用. CA50 与胰腺癌. 血清 CA50 水平的升高在胰腺癌的诊断中十分有 …
California's 50th congressional district - Wikipedia
California's 50th congressional district is a congressional district in the U.S. state of California, and encompasses parts of the Mid-Coast and northeastern parts of San Diego County. Scott Peters is currently the U.S. representative for California's 50th congressional district.
Serum CA50 levels in patients with cancers and other diseases
Jan 1, 2019 · Carbohydrate antigen 50 (CA50) is initially reported as a cancer-specific antigen expressed on the surface of human colorectal Colo-205 cancer cells. Subsequently, increased serum CA50 levels are observed in patients not only …
CA 50: a tumor marker for gastrointestinal malignancies
CA 50, a novel cancer-associated carbohydrate marker, is detected by the C 50 antibody that has been obtained by immunization of mice with a human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line. This antibody that defines CA 50 reacts with both the afucosyl form of sialylated Lewis(a) carbohydrate moiety and sialylated Lewis(a) moiety which is also the ...
糖链抗原50 - 百度百科
Directional Couplers - CA-50 - Marki Microwave
The CA-50 is a low loss directional coupler capable of operation to 50 GHz. This coupler features a unique air-line construction that simultaneously enables extremely low loss, minimal return loss, and outstanding directivity throughout the entire frequency range to 50 GHz.
糖类抗原-50 (carbohydrate antigen 50 , CA-50) - wap.medix.cn
消化道肿瘤时血清CA-50浓度升高最多见, l 尤其以胰腺癌和胆囊癌阳性率最高, l 在80%以上, l 结肠癌和直肠癌为60%~70%, l 肝癌时也为60%~70 1 % 1 , l 肺癌为60% 1 , l 对肺癌的鉴别诊断优CEA 1 , l 在溃疡性肠炎、 i 肺炎、 i 胃炎时CEA均可升高, l 而CA-50无此 ...
Serum CA50 levels in patients with cancers and other diseases
Carbohydrate antigen 50 (CA50) is initially reported as a cancer-specific antigen expressed on the surface of human colorectal Colo-205 cancer cells. Subsequently, increased serum CA50 levels are observed in patients not only with colorectal cancers but also other types of cancers.
糖类抗原CA50高多少才算肿瘤,增高的原因 - 有来医生
Jan 16, 2024 · 糖类抗原CA50是临床上经常会检测到的肿瘤标志物,其增高既可能和某些癌症相关,也可能见于良性疾病,需要注意鉴别。 1、癌症或肿瘤:可以引起糖类抗原CA50增高,比如肝癌、肺癌、肠癌、卵巢癌、胆管癌以及肺癌的病人,都可以出现糖类抗原CA50增高。 如果检查糖类抗原CA50的数值达到正常值的5-10倍以上,提示可能存在肿瘤,但需要通过进一步的B超、CT、核磁共振,或者胃镜、肠镜的检查去发现可疑病变,并通过病理学检查才能确认是不是肿瘤, …