施耐德CA1坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
施耐德CA1坦克 (法語: Char Schneider CA1)是 法國 在 第一次世界大战 中研製的第一种 坦克。 當法國軍方決定要發展鐵絲網破壞車後,軍備局於1915年1月購買了兩輛不同型號的 霍爾特牽引車 (英语:Holt tractor) 交予施耐德公司研發,施耐德公司是當時法國一家大型軍火生產商,接到法國軍方要求開發一種重型火炮的牽引車的指示後,就派出公司的總設計師 尤金·布萊爾 (法语:Eugène Brillié) 為這一個項目進行研發。 兩種牽引車分別為霍爾特15噸牽引車(Track …
Schneider CA and CD in Italian Service - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年3月10日 · In reporting on French tank organization, Major Bennicelli wrote that the vehicles of the Schneider type were divided into ‘Groups’, each of which was comprised of 4 batteries of 4 tanks, totaling 16 tanks each. Four such groups were organized with each of these larger groups having a dedicated supply section attached.
Schneider CA1 - Wikipedia
Later that year, in an official answer to an inquiry by parliamentarian Paul Doumer regarding the progress achieved within French tank development, the designation "Schneider CA4" is used to indicate a design studied within the context of a larger order for two prototypes, weighing twenty tonnes and fitted with a cannon turret armed with the ...
Schneider CD Artillery Tractor - Tank Encyclopedia
2017年4月25日 · The Schneider CD was a WW1 tow truck that used the same Holt chassis as the Schneider CA1 tank. It was fitted with a winch. There is a dispute as to the reason why the letters CD were used.
新余钢铁股份有限公司新能源汽车硅钢项目CA4机组退火炉设备中 …
2025年2月18日 · 招标范围:1套CA4机组退火炉设备,CA4连退线从入口辊道台设备到出口辊道台设备,每条机组包括辐射管加热段、电加热段、电均热段、管冷段、缓冷段、快冷段、空冷段等设备。
List of combat vehicles of World War I - Wikipedia
World War One saw the start of modern armoured warfare with an emphasis on using motor vehicles to provide support to the infantry. Tanks came about as means to break the stalemate of trench warfare. They were developed to break through barbed wire …
CAC Woomera | Military Wiki | Fandom
Unfortunately, the novel fuel tanks never proved reliable, and in January 1943 the CA-4 prototype was completely destroyed in a mid-air explosion, probably due to a fuel leak. With a re-designed tail and rudder, and an improved nose armament of two 20 mm cannon and two .303 calibre machine guns, the CA-4 became the CA-11 Woomera.
CAC CA-4 and CA-11 WOOMERA · The Encyclopedia of Aircraft …
2019年5月19日 · Fuel capacity was 2,709 litres (596 Imp gals), and to supplement this two 1,332 litre (293 Imp gal) auxiliary fuel tanks could be fitted under the centre-section where the bombs or torpedoes would be accommodated.
2017年11月21日 · The CA4-type receptacle is a 4-pin Federal Standard socket that complies to the NEMA XR-7 and IEC 60526 standards for X-ray cable plugs and receptacles.
康普瑞汀 - ChemicalBook
2020年10月23日 · 康普瑞汀(Combretastatin A4, CA4)是一种新型血管抑制剂,与秋水仙碱结构相似,作用靶点也相似,在体内靶向微管蛋白,抑制其聚合,并进一步选择性破坏肿瘤组织血管内皮细胞,使肿瘤组织血管闭合,导致肿瘤缺少氧气和养分,从而起到抗肿瘤作用。