Cadarache - Wikipedia
Cadarache (French pronunciation:) in Southern France is the largest technological research and development centre for energy in Europe. It includes CEA research activities and ITER. CEA Cadarache is one of the research centres of the French Commission of Atomic and Alternative Energies (CEA).
ITER - Wikipedia
In June 2005, it was officially announced that ITER would be built in the South of France at the Cadarache site. [8] The negotiations that led to the decision ended in a compromise between the EU and Japan, in that Japan was promised 20% of the research staff on the French location of ITER, as well as the head of the administrative body of ITER.
卡达拉舍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡达拉舍(英語: Cadarache )设施是专门从事核能研究的一个法国科研中心。 它坐落在法国 普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸大区 罗讷河口省 迪朗斯河畔圣保罗 ,位于 马赛 市的东北部约60公里(37英里) 。
CEA Cadarache - Accueil
Installé en Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, sur la commune de Saint-Paul lez Durance, le centre CEA-Cadarache est au cœur de la transition énergétique avec ses instituts de recherche et plateformes expérimentales dans le domaine des énergies bas-carbone : énergie nucléaire (fission, fusion), bioénergies et énergies solaires.
ITER in France
As the first six-person ITER team moved in at the end of 2005, CEA Cadarache provided the land, the temporary offices, electrical and hydraulic networks, and critical services such as transportation and access to a canteen and an infirmary.
ITER - the way to new energy
ITER Magazine - French only Learn more about the ITER Project by subscribing to this quarterly online magazine (in French) that is geared toward the general public.
ITER : International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor - Fusion …
Europe is the host of the project which is currently under construction in Cadarache, south of France ITER is a global scientific partnership of unprecedented scale bringing together half of the world’s population: China, Europe, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States.
Centre CEA de Cadarache — Wikipédia
Le centre CEA de Cadarache est le plus grand centre de recherche et développement en Europe sur l'énergie nucléaire (la fission et la fusion), les nouvelles technologies de l'énergie et la biologie végétale.
une plateforme de recherche énergétique unique - CEA/CEA Cadarache
2019年4月1日 · Le centre CEA de Cadarache est l'un des 9 centres de recherche du Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives. Le centre figure parmi les plus grandes institutions de recherche et de développement technologiques pour l’énergie en Europe.
第4002回:热核聚变验反应堆,卡达拉舍托卡马克 - 知乎
卡达拉舍(英语:Cadarache)设施是专门从事核能研究的一个法国科研中心。 它坐落在法国 普罗旺斯-阿尔卑斯-蓝色海岸大区 罗讷河口省迪朗斯河畔圣保罗,位于马赛市的东北部约60千米(37英里) 。