Recipes – caffenol
Caffenol Recipes that are proven to work can be found here. If not stated differently, the temperature of the solution should be 20 degrees Celsius or 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
Caffenol - Wikipedia
Caffenol is a photographic alternative process whereby phenols, sodium carbonate and optionally vitamin C are used in aqueous solution as a film and print photographic developer. [1][2] Other …
Caffenol: A Guide to Developing B&W Film with Coffee
2023年7月20日 · A complete guide to caffenol, the practice of developing black-and-white film with coffee and vitamin C instead of a commercial chemical.
How to Develop B&W Film With Coffee Step by Step | Field Mag
2019年3月12日 · Enter Caffenol, the incredible liquid concoction that develops black & white film using instant coffee and washing soda to replace the nasty chemicals found in traditional …
...and Film doesn't smell funny anymore | caffenol recipes
Today our journey takes us to Nottingham in the UK and we meet up with Gabriel Van Ingen, a photographer that has mostly given up digital. Read on, and look what he has to say. Caffenol: …
Caffenol - All you need to know (english) - ars-imago blog
Caffenol is an alternative photographic development process based on instant coffee, washing soda, and ascorbic acid – aka vitamin C. There are several recipes for Caffenol, the most …
The Delta Recipe (Delta-STD) – caffenol
2010年3月12日 · My Favourite B&W Film is Ilford Professional Delta 400 for the moment. I really like the grain shape of this film: soft and round. Whenever I plan to do Caffenol Development, I …
Caffenol Recipe: Develop Film at Home Without Chemicals
2025年1月2日 · The Caffenol process offers a promising future for environmentally conscious film photographers who wish to reduce their reliance on chemical-heavy processes. While it's not …
What is Caffenol? A Guide on Developing Film with Coffee
Caffenol is a liquid concoction made out of instant coffee crystals, washing soda, and water. Sometimes people add vitamin C to the mix and call it Caffenol-C, or sometimes just caffenol.
Developing Film with Coffee - Caffenol — Film Photographic
2016年10月20日 · Caffenol is the doorway to exploring hands-on film development and there's nothing like developing film at home, with coffee, while drinking coffee. The enchantment of …
Develop B&W Film with Coffee! A Caffenol Developing Tutorial by ...
2020年4月10日 · Learn how to develop black and white film with coffee in this tutorial, including a caffenol developing tips, the developer recipe, and example images,
How the heck does coffee and Vitamin C develop film? (all about caffenol)
2021年10月25日 · How does caffenol work? Coffee contains the phenol caffeic acid, which — in a pH 11 solution — reacts with the developable silver halide crystals, leaving metallic silver back …
The Caffenol Cookbook & Bible
2012年11月27日 · The Caffenol Cookbook & Bible is a project by large format photographer Bo Sibbern-Larsen who got eight other photographers together to write a book about caffenol. It’s …
用咖啡冲洗黑白卷的效果如何? - 知乎
2018年10月23日 · 指正:“对于咖啡显影液的主要有效成分,你这个结构倒是没错,但它不是可可因(可可碱),而是咖啡酸 (caffeic acid)。 ” 具有显影效果. 当然要做控制精确就需要做测试 …
2016年8月26日 · Caffenol is a compensating developer, and I had been accustomed to it helping me bring back highlights and draw out shadow detail, but this was something else. The …
Caffenol - Processing film with coffee and other supermarket …
2017年2月23日 · This developer is a mixture of ingredients that you can find on the supermarket shelves; Instant Coffee, Vitamin C, and Washing Soda (Sodium Carbonate). Best of all there’s …
Caffenol - 用速溶咖啡冲洗黑白胶卷
2014年4月25日 · http://www_caffenol_org/ 这个网站是专门讨论咖啡冲洗胶卷的配方和技巧的。 http://www_caffenol-cookbook_com/ 这个是手册版,可以下载阅读。 1. 速溶咖啡。 买最便宜 …
How Can Coffee Help Your Photography? The Story of Caffenol
Caffenol is an alternative film developer that uses coffee, vitamin C, and washing soda as its primary ingredients. It is a low-cost option for photographers looking to experiment with …
Experiments and Results. And Large Format - caffenol
2012年3月11日 · I wanted to experiment with the recipe for a coffee-based film developer commonly called Caffenol. Dirk Essl at caffenol.org does an excellent job of keeping track of …
Caffenol for Breakfast – My First Experiments with Homemade
2021年7月25日 · For those who are not familiar, caffenol is a developer made from three primary household ingredients–instant coffee, washing soda, and vitamin C powder. Now I am no …
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