Recipes – caffenol
Caffenol Recipes that are proven to work can be found here. If not stated differently, the temperature of the solution should be 20 degrees Celsius or 68 degrees Fahrenheit. For all other temperatures, please adjust the developing time accordingly.
咖啡,傻瓜机,胶片—— 用咖啡显影胶片胶片Coffenol C - 知乎
我的配方叫caffenol-C 这个C就是加入了维生素C 为了碱性环境,加大电子活性于是乎加上洗衣服用的苏打粉。 就此基础原材料完毕,就等显影了。
How to Develop B&W Film With Coffee Step by Step | Field Mag
2019年3月12日 · Step-by-Step Caffenol-C Recipe and Process: In one container, mix 12 oz of tap water (room temp), ¾ tsps vitamin C powder (1000mg), 5 tsps instant coffee crystals (cannot be decaf), 3.5 tsps washing soda.
Caffenol-C: Develop Your Film with Coffee! - YouTube
Discover the art of film development with Caffenol-C, a DIY coffee developer that's eco-friendly and cost-effective! In this step-by-step tutorial, I guide you through the entire process of...
Recipes Caffenol-C-M, c-H, -C-L Washing Soda, waterfree Vitamin-C Potassium Bromide Kbr Instant Coffee use for time 20 oc agitation remarks general remarks Caffenol-C- 54 g/l 16 g/l 40 g/l low to medium speed film up to 100 ASA, speed …
Caffenol-C-M, recipe - Blogger
2010年3月2日 · Vitamin-C: ascorbic acid, the second active developing agent. Works similar like Hydrochinone, giving more contrast and is hyperadditive to caffeic acid. Also reduces fog and of course developing time. Whenever possible, buy pure Vitamin-C, small crystals. Here I buy 100 gramms for 2-3 Euro, available in any pharmacy.
ep.10 咖啡也能冲出令人惊讶的细腻底片!目前最全的Caffenol-C
希望可以帮到你 :), 视频播放量 1877、弹幕量 7、点赞数 100、投硬币枚数 70、收藏人数 154、转发人数 33, 视频作者 elfishden, 作者简介 胶片/黑胶 区up主,主打陪伴,偶尔分享干货。,相关视频:胶片党必看!解锁黑白反转冲洗隐藏技能,你的负片还能抢救!,ep.9 Shot Review | 咖啡也 …
Caffenol: A Guide to Developing B&W Film with Coffee
2023年7月20日 · First popularized in the 1990s, caffenol has quickly become the standard by which other DIY film development processes are measured. The reasons for that are self …
Film Development Chart - caffenol
2010年3月24日 · Caffenol C (without extra Vitamin C) worked well with HP5+ with a dev time of 24 mins at 20C – 30 seconds inversion in first minute and then 4 inversions per minute. This is same time as with my usual Microphen.
Caffenol - Wikipedia
Caffenol is a photographic alternative process whereby phenols, sodium carbonate and optionally vitamin C are used in aqueous solution as a film and print photographic developer. [1][2] Other basic (as opposed to acidic) chemicals can be used in place of sodium carbonate; however, sodium carbonate is the most common. [1]