《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》市集——遊戲物品交易 | Ubisoft (ZH)
無論是想用不需要的物品換取 R6 點數,或是試圖入手前幾個賽季不易取得的武器塗裝,《虹彩六號:圍攻行動》市集都是好去處。 瀏覽「購買」頁面的物品,或是透過「市集」首頁選擇物品類型。 只有目前可供交易的物品會出現在市集。 舉例來說,當前賽季的物品在下個賽季推出之前都無法交易。 若想購買物品,請輸入你願意支付的最高價格並建立訂單,然後靜待符合條件的交易。 市集會以你設定的價格為最高價格,主動搜尋最低價格。 找到匹配的賣家後,交易就會完成 …
Y6S4 Universal ATTACHMENT SKINS - Plasma Pink, Crimson, Canary, Azurite ...
Welcome back to the channel, in this video, I'm going to show you the Y6S4 new universal attachment skins ( Plasma Pink, Crimson, Canary, Azurite). Enjoy!Twi...
Question about Canary skin and Firefly skin : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2018年7月20日 · Are they different skins and is the Firefly still a legendary? If you own both could you show a side by side comparison on the same weapon? This info is used to prove someone else wrong. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Both rare. Firefly pops more.
Canary expansions in Rainbow Six Siege - skins.blix.gg
Canary in Rainbow Six Siege database. expansions images, stats, release date. Developers added Canary to August 9, 2016 during Operation Skull Rain. As for rarity, it's Rare and is worn for All. This skin can be obtained by paying 10000 to Renown or 240 R6 Credits.
Weapons Skins | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Weapon Skins are a customization option available in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. They can be purchased with Renown or Credits . Weapon Skins come in five rarities: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Some weapon skins, defined as Seasonal and Universal, can be applied to many weapons while each weapon has their own unique skins.
Is the “Firefly” universal skin still in alpha packs?
What's the difference between this and canary? uh so this is shiny? I only have blue nebula and plasma. Too bad I didn't get this one when it was in the packs. Is plasma pink also out of packs? And is the plasma pink attachment skin still in packs? I hope so, I've wanted it for years! I have it aswell imo no, but it is no longer available.
New "Firefly" Universal Legendary Skin : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2017年7月18日 · Just a little bit more flashy than canary... I don't know why would they put solid universal colors as unique legendary skins instead of just putting them into the shop for 10k renown..
MP5K Weapon Skins | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Canary: 150px]] 10000 240: Alpha Pack Universal Carnevale: 150px]] N/A Carnevale Bundle Cobalt: 150px]] $2.99 USD Cobalt Weapon Skin DLC Crocodylus: 150px]] N/A Swamp Stalker Bundle Crossfader: 150px]] N/A Bass Drop Bundle Cyan: 150px]] $2.99 USD Cyan Weapon Skin DLC Destroyer: 150px]] N/A Flotilla Bundle Dust Line: 150px]] N/A Dust Line Bundle ...
Canary operators skins in Rainbow Six Siege
Canary in Rainbow Six Siege database. operators skins images, stats, release date. Developers added Canary to August 9, 2016 during Operation Skull Rain. As for rarity, it's Rare and is worn for All. This skin can be obtained by paying 10000 to Renown or 240 R6 Credits.
Attachment Skins (Siege) | Rainbow Six Wiki | Fandom
Attachment Skins are a customization option available in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, introduced in the Operation Steel Wave expansion. Functioning in a similar manner to Weapon Skins, they can be purchased with Renown or Credits , or awarded through other means.