New Democratic Party - Wikipedia
The New Democratic Party (NDP; French: Nouveau Parti démocratique, NPD) is a federal political party in Canada. Widely described as social democratic, [5] the party sits at the centre-left [10] to left-wing [17] of the Canadian political spectrum, with the party generally sitting to the left of the Liberal Party. [20]
Canada's NDP
We are Canada’s New Democrats. Investing in a Canada where people can realize their full potential and pursue their dreams.
新民主党 (加拿大) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年9月16日,新民主黨在 溫尼辟 的 艾爾姆伍德—特蘭科納選區 (英语:Elmwood—Transcona) 補選 (英语:2024 Elmwood—Transcona federal by-election) 中以4%的輕微優勢擊敗保守黨守住了該席位,儘管如此兩黨得票率差距僅一千多票,代表以 工人階級 為主的該區對保守黨的支持大幅提升、以及新民主黨因曾經和低民望的自由黨政府聯盟而損失形象。 [16] 它的政治傾向已扩大到包括涉及 新左派,主张 同性恋权利 、国际和平以及环境管理等 …
New Democratic Party (NDP) | History, Structure, & Policies
2 天之前 · New Democratic Party, Canadian social democratic political party favoring a mixed public-private economy, broadened social benefits, and an internationalist foreign policy. It grew out of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, Canada’s first political party representing workers and small farmers.
Who is Canada's New Democrat Party leader Jagmeet Singh? - BBC
2 天之前 · The NDP faces tough competition in Canada's 2025 election which is being held on 28 April. Prime Minister Mark Carney called it shortly after he was sworn in to replace former leader Justin Trudeau.
Canada's NDP leader says end of agreement with Liberals makes …
2024年9月5日 · VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — The leader of Canada’s leftist New Democratic Party said Thursday that policies supported by liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre hurt Canadians, although he didn’t say if he was willing to trigger a snap federal election soon.
This election, the NDP could be fighting for its own survival
3 天之前 · Former NDP campaign director Brad Lavigne said the party must devise a plan to "meet the moment" to respond to President Donald Trump's threats to Canada's economy and sovereignty.
Who is Canada's NDP leader Jagmeet Singh? - Yahoo
1 天前 · The NDP faces tough competition in Canada's 2025 election which is being held on 28 April. Prime Minister Mark Carney called it shortly after he was sworn in to replace former leader Justin Trudeau.
NDP sees 'deadly' slide as Conservative and Liberal support …
2025年2月19日 · NDP sees 'deadly' slide in polls as Conservative and Liberal support stabilizes. The poll found NDP support falling three percentage points since last week, with a one-point rise in...
New Democratic Party - Wikiwand
The New Democratic Party (NDP; French: Nouveau Parti démocratique, NPD) is a federal political party in Canada. Widely described as social democratic, [5] the party sits at the centre-left [10] to left-wing [17] of the Canadian political spectrum, with the party generally sitting to the left of the Liberal Party. [20] .