In the Catholic Church, a canonical visitation is the act of an ecclesiastical superior who in the discharge of his office visits persons or places with a view to maintaining faith and discipline and of correcting abuses.
Visitation, CANONICAL, the act of an ecclesiastical superior who in the discharge of his office visits persons or places with a view of maintaining faith and discipline, and of correcting abuses by the application of proper remedies.
A first vital objective to pursue - through the canonical visitation - is an exercise of re-centring and re-cohesion of the fraternity around the nucleus of inspiration and essential elements that in our tradition has been taken up from the Rule, called not for nothing the marrow of the Gospel, the covenant of alliance.
canonical visitation. _ Now our Statute 51, 2 says that the Superior General, either personally or by a delegate, should visit the provinces and vice-provinces at least once during his time of office. That is the prescription of our Congregation. _ A few years later, after our General Assembly of 1980, the new Canon Law
In the Catholic Church, a canonical visitation is the act of an ecclesiastical superior who in the discharge of his office visits persons or places with a view to maintaining faith and discipline and of correcting abuses. A person delegated to carry out such a visitation is called a visitor.
The canonical visitation of a diocese is incumbent on the bishop personally unless lawfully hindered. A bishop may visit the various parts of his diocese as often as he chooses. According to the Council of Trent he must do so every year if possible, or at least every two years.
VISITATION, CANONICAL. An official examination by ecclesiastical superiors of persons, communities, institutions, or territories, in regard to matters of faith, worship, morals, or church...