Capidava - Wikipedia
Capidava fortified settlement is a tourist attraction in Dobruja area, next to Hârșova and Histria. It can be reached through the road from Hârșova ( E61 ), or the road from Cernavodă (Fetești-Cernavodă).
Settlements | Capidava - History Archive
‘At Capidava, there is a Getic settlement distinct than the late fortress …’, p. 131.^ Jump up to: a b Pop et al. ”Many, even the initially indigenous centers developed due to the presence of the Roman army.
Cetatea Capidava | Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie
Cetatea Capidava este situată pe malul drept al Dunării, la jumătatea distanței dintre Hârșova (Carsium) și Cernavodă (Axiopolis), fiind construită cu ajutorul detașamentelor Legiunilor V Macedonica de la Troesmis și XI Claudia de la Durostorum, la începutul secolului al II-lea. Alături de Capidava, din sistemul de fortificații ...
Cetatea Capidava, impunătoarea fortăreață romană de la cotitura …
2024年3月24日 · Cetatea Capidava este una dintre cele mai reprezentative fortărețe de la frontiera Dunării de Jos. Castrul roman face parte dintre cele 24 de situri arheologice din Dobrogea, identificate în cadrul proiectului ”Limes, frontierele Imperiului Roman”, care sunt înscrise pe lista indicativă UNESCO.
Capidava - Wikimedia Commons
English: Capidava was a fortified Geto-Dacian center, on the right bank of the Danube. After the Roman conquest of Dacia it became a Roman city and castra in the province of Scythia Minor (modern Dobruja). It is located in the village with the same name, Capidava, in …
RomanForts | Capidava
Capidava. Capidava city is located on the right bank of the Danube, at half the distance between Harsova (Carsium) and Cernavoda (Axiopolis), and it was built with the help of Vth Macedonica legion from Troesmis and XIth Claudia legion from Durostorum at …
Situl arheologic Capidava
Capidava reprezinta astazi una dintre cetatile cu cea mai mare notorietate pentru frontiera romana a Dunarii de Jos, atat pe plan national, cat si international. Cercetat fara intreruperi majore incepand din 1924 sub conducerea lui Grigore Florescu, Radu Florescu (dupa 1960) si Ioan C. Opris (din 2004), monumentul se pastreaza perimetral.
Capidava - cimec.ro
The Getic toponym of Capidava - meaning the curve fortified settlement - confirms a pre-Roman dwelling, while the special geographic position explains the significance of the local settlement, a place that made possible the communication between the Dacians in Dobrudja and those in the Wallachian Plain.
Capidava - CIMEC
Archaeology enthusiasts who use the Internet can take good advantage of the generosity of our host, CIMEC, that made available a selection comprising a part of the oldest images of Capidava preserved in the archive of the site: topographic surveys and planimetric surveys of the fortress, photographs from pre-war excavations (in part unpublished ...
Capidava, aerial photograph (2015) | Download Scientific Diagram
... by Emperor Trajan at the beginning of the second century, Capidava became an important Roman fortress on the Lower Danube frontier due to its strategic position on a natural hill guarding a...