Carinhall - Wikipedia
Carinhall was the country residence of Hermann Göring, built in the 1930s on a large hunting estate north-east of Berlin in the Schorfheide Forest, in the south of Brandenburg, between the lakes of Großdöllner See and Wuckersee.
Carinhall – The ruins of Herrmann Görings Villa - Digital Cosmonaut
In the heart of (one of) central Europe’s largest nature reserves – the Schorfheide – lie the ruins of Carinhall – Herrmann Göring’s luxurious villa, attracting treasure hunters, Neo-Nazis and the curious alike.
卡琳堂 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡琳堂 是 赫尔曼·戈林 的乡村宅邸,于1930年代建成于 柏林 东北方森林里,當地行政上隸屬於 勃兰登堡州。 卡琳堂得名于戈林的第一任妻子、 瑞典人 卡琳·戈林。 卡琳堂从1933年开始分阶段大规模建造。 1933年6月,戈林委托建筑师建造一座瑞典风格的狩猎屋。 卡琳死后,首先葬在瑞典,之后于1934年被移葬到卡琳堂的地下墓室。 [1] 1935年4月10日,戈林在卡琳堂举行了他和第二任妻子 艾米·戈林 的婚宴。 后来,戈林将很多从 納粹德國佔領下的歐洲 掠夺来的艺术品都存 …
Carinhall - Im Reich von Hermann Göring - YouTube
2022年8月27日 · Carinhall war ein repräsentatives Gut des Reichsmarschalls und führenden Nationalsozialisten Hermann Göring. Der Besitz lag in der Schorfheide zwischen Großdöllner See und Wuckersee, in der Nähe...
Visiting Hermann Goering's CARINHALL - USM Books
Carinhall became the official summer state residence of Hermann Göring and his staff in 1937. After the reconstruction, there was a 216 feet new wing, a large courtyard and a study library next to the old, existing structure which was incorporated in the new plan.
Miscellaneous photographs of Hermann Göring, his ... - Library of Congress
Photographs show aerial and interior views of Göring's home Carinhall with its furnishings and artwork. Includes family portraits of Göring's first wife Karin (Carin), second wife Emmy Sonnemann Göring and their daughter Edda and Göring's nephews.
Goering’s Carinhalle. - WW2 Gravestone
Carinhall was the country residence of Hermann Goering. It was built on a large hunting estate northeast of Berlin in the Schornheide forest, between the lakes Großdöllner See and Wuckersee in the north of Brandenburg.
In 1933, Herman Göring created his very own realm, a lavishly designed hunting lodge – Carinhall – not far from Berlin. We take a closer look at the history of this mysterious place.
Carinhall ~ Everything You Need to Know with Photos | Videos
2024年10月2日 · Carinhall was the country residence of Hermann Gring. It was built on a large hunting estate northeast of Berlin in the Schorfheide forest, between the lakes Grodllner See and Wuckersee in the north of Brandenburg. Named in honour of his Swedish first wife, Carin Gring (18881931), the residence
Misc. Sites Pt. 7 - thirdreichruins.com
Carinhall. Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring built a country estate in the Schorfheide forest north of Berlin, naming it for his first wife Carin, who had died in 1931 (the name is sometimes given as Karinhall).