CASA SEAT | Eventos en Barcelona, restaurante y más
4 天之前 · Entérate de todas las novedades del espacio, conciertos, ofertas gastronómicas y mucho más. Una programación donde cultura y movilidad se encuentran. Disfruta de cocina …
CASA SEAT Barcelona | Discover our Events, Restaurant & more
CASA SEAT has the ambition to be the social hub of Barcelona, from where the city is driven and connected with the new generation.
CASA SEAT | Esdeveniments a Barcelona, restaurant i més
4 天之前 · Gaudeix de cuina de proximitat, menú setmanal i terrassa a CASA SEAT, de la mà de Binomi.
CASA SEAT, located in the heart of Barcelona (Paseo de Gracia, 109), opened its doors to the public in 2020 with the aim of being a hub in which to co-create the mobility solutions of the future.
CASA SEAT - Passeig de Gràcia Barcelona
CASA SEAT es un hub de movilidad en la ciudad de Barcelona. Se trata de un espacio abierto al público que cuenta con un amplio calendario de actividades, charlas, conciertos, workshops y zonas de coworking, donde la cultura urbana, la movilidad, la sostenibilidad y la tecnología son las protagonistas.
CASA SEAT opens its doors to the world | SEAT
2020年4月6日 · Hosted by journalist Ainhoa Arbizu, the virtual presentation marks the opening of CASA SEAT to the world, a milestone for the brand, located in the city where it was born 70 years ago. The space is set to become a benchmark urban mobility hub, one of SEAT’s strategic pillars.
CASA SEAT (@casaseat) • Instagram photos and videos
47K Followers, 439 Following, 441 Posts - CASA SEAT (@casaseat) on Instagram: "Benvinguts a CASA SEAT, l’espai de Barcelona on la mobilitat i la cultura es troben 🕒Dll-Dss | 09:00-20:30 📍Pg. de Gràcia, 109"
CASA SEAT is opening its doors | SEAT
2020年2月10日 · CASA SEAT, the company’s new multidisciplinary space in the heart of Barcelona, is set to open its doors to the public next 23rd April. The date coincides with Saint George’s Day and World Book Day and is a tribute to the city where it was founded almost 70 years ago, highlighting the commitment of the new space to be integrated into the ...
CASA SEAT - Visual Architects
The renowned Barcelona restaurant Casa SEAT required an immersive Christmas experience to run from November to January. The Visual Architects team would collaborate with Jordi Roca, a chef with three michelin stars and Alex Rivas, to deliver a signature design for the winter season, and portray the essence of Rocambolesc and Casa Cacao.
SEAT Vision | See the Future of Mobility | CASA SEAT
CASA SEAT is the place to explore the future of mobility with SEAT and CUPRA. The vision and ideas are inspired by new technologies, design and creativity.