Does your cat "hum" and/or make other unusual sounds? (kitten, …
2013年9月22日 · We have 1 male, 1 female cat. The female makes normal kitty sounds. Our male, however, makes more beeping and stuttering sounds. At night when they are shut out of the bedroom, I can hear the male roaming the house making a humming sound--don't recognize the tune, however . Anyone else have a humming cat?
Does your cat "hum" and/or make other unusual sounds? (feline, …
2013年9月23日 · Nice thread. Our male cat makes a "chipmunk" type sound when he's 1) announcing his presence lol, and 2) when he's at the window and sees an animal/bird that interests hims. The latter is usually accompanied by tail-thumping and the usual meows.
your cat's most unusual habit (eating, weight, stomach, sleeping ...
2015年10月11日 · I was thinking it would be fun to hear what people think is their cat's most unusual habit/behavior. My cat is 19yo and I've had him since he was 8 weeks old. I was very affectionate with him from the first day I got him, holding him like a baby, touching his paws, cuddling him, etc. I didn't really give him an opportunity to be aloof.
your cat's most unusual habit (dog, hair, female, feed) - Cats
2015年10月12日 · Angel is a big girl in the 11 lb range, and has never been much of a lap-cat. But once in a while she will climb up in the chair with me, and proceed to cross my lap from one chair arm to the other, back & forth, again and again and again.... sometimes a dozen times or more. Maybe she'll finally lay down in my lap, and maybe she won't.
your cat's most unusual habit - Cats - - Page 5 - City-Data Forum
2015年11月13日 · My elderly cat does this exact thing. Just this afternoon, he woke up from his nap, had his lunch, went to use the litter box, then came back in and screetched at me until I picked him up and put him on the bed. And despite having arthritis, he is perfectly capable of jumping up on the bed or the couch.
your cat's most unusual habit (meowing, litter, house, couch)
2015年11月3日 · your cat's most unusual habit (meowing, litter, house, couch) User Name: Remember Me: Password ...
I'm not strong today. - Caregiving -Caretakers, elderly care, …
2025年2月21日 · Yeah. Most of the time, it's an empty threat. After I called 911 on my mom & had her sent to the ER, the social workers at the hospital didn't want to go through the hassle of placing my mom at a nursing home even though the psychiatric team and the head psychiatrist, himself gave an official diagnosis of vascular dementia and strongly recommended her to be placed at a nursing home.
Elderly Care in TX - Caregiving -Caretakers, elderly care, nursing ...
2025年2月19日 · Just lost my elderly dog, thinking my elderly cat is declining, Rainbow Bridge, 1 replies Ethical Question re Elderly Children Giving Care To Their Elderly Parents, Caregiving, 84 replies Elderly women looking to be a compainion to elderly women, Florida, 0 replies
Is this healthy grieving? - Grief and Mourning -Bereavement, …
2025年2月22日 · Cat. I lost a brother in 2006. I will always miss him. I have a friend who, every time you mention a date ...
Crazee Cat Lady
2025年2月14日 · Ugh, a stinky human covered with clothing, leather belt and buckle, rubber-soled shoes, and other indigestibles.