Cat - Hunter Pet - TBC Classic - Wowhead
The Cat family of Hunter pets are an offensive pet, meaning they deal high DPS but have lower armor or health. To keep your pet well-fed and happy, in order to maximize its damage, you must feed your Cat pet Fish and Meat.
Cat (Normal Cat) | Battle Cats Wiki | Fandom
Cat is the first Cat Unit available for the player when starting the game. True Form greatly increases its attack power and health. Evolves into Macho Cat at level 10. Evolves into Mohawk Cat at...
Fencer Cat (Super Rare Cat) | Battle Cats Wiki | Fandom
Fencer Cat is a Super Rare Cat added in Version 6.6 that can be unlocked by playing the Rare Cat Capsule. True Form added in Version 8.2 increases his health and attack power marginally, as well...
Rei Cat (Rare Cat) - The Battle Cats Wiki
2025年2月13日 · Rei Cat is a Rare Cat that was added in Version 6.10 and can be unlocked by playing the Rare Cat Capsule during the Neon Genesis Evangelion Collaboration Event. Evolves into Ayanami Cat (TBC) at level 10. In order to classify Cat Units, see Classification. Classification does not include Talents.
Tank Cat (Normal Cat) | Battle Cats Wiki | Fandom
Tank Cat is one of the Normal Cats and the second Cat the player obtains as a unit. It is unlocked after clearing Korea in Empire of Cats Chapter 1 and costs 0 XP or a Normal Cat Capsule to unlock. True Form increases health and attack power. Evolves into Wall Cat at level 10. Evolves into Eraser Cat at level 20+10 using Cat Tickets.
Burning Crusade Classic Hunter Pet Guide - Wowhead
2021年12月13日 · Learn about the best pets for Hunters to tame in Burning Crusade Classic, as well as a comprehensive overview of the TBC Classic pet system including training points, loyalty, diet, and pet abilities.
TBC Cat Pet Abilities - TBC Classic - Wowhead
A complete searchable and filterable list of all Cat Pet Abilities in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Always up to date with the latest patch (2.5.4).
Petopia BC Classic: Cats
A visual guide to hunter pets in Burning Crusade Classic.
Meditation Cat (Special Cat) - The Battle Cats Wiki
2025年1月25日 · Meditation Cat is a Special Cat that can be obtained by playing the 10th Memorial event gacha. It was added to BCJP in Version 11.10, and BCEN in Version 13.6.
Petopia BC Classic: A complete guide to hunter pets in Burning …
Welcome to our Burning Crusade Classic site! If you're just starting in BC Classic, please see our summary page for a refresher on the differences in taming and using pets in Burning Crusade Classic. A visual guide to hunter pets in Burning Crusade Classic.