#cc9900 hex color (#c90) - ColorHexa
In a RGB color space, hex #cc9900 is composed of 80% red, 60% green and 0% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 25% magenta, 100% yellow and 20% …
十六进制颜色代码 #cc9900 / #c90 是中等暗度的 黄色 阴影。 在RGB三原色光模式中,#cc9900是由80.0%的红色,60.0%的绿色和0.0%的蓝色组成。 在HSL色彩空间 …
#cc9900 Color Hex
#cc9900 color RGB value is (204,153,0). This hex color code is also a web safe color which is equal to #C90. #cc9900 hex color red value is 204, green value is 153 and the blue value of its …
#cc9900 (#c90) 十六进制颜色信息 - zh.spycolor.com
十六进制三重 #cc9900 定义: 红 = 204, 绿色 = 153, 蓝色 = 0 或CMYK: 青色 = 0, 品红 = 0.25, 黄色 = 1, 黑色 = 0.2. 在色彩理论,色彩方案是在色彩设计中使用的选择. 它们的颜色是色轮上彼此相 …
Chinese gold / #cc9900 / #c90 Hex Color Code - Encycolorpedia
The color chinese gold with hexadecimal color code #cc9900 / #c90 is a medium dark shade of yellow. In the RGB color model #cc9900 is composed of 80.0% red, 60.0% green and 0.0% …
Hex color #cc9900 - RGB
Hex color #cc9900 to RGB, Pantone, RAL, HSL and HSB formats. Generate color schemes for your design and download JSON.
Html Css Color HEX #CC9900 Gamboge
#CC9900 (or 0xCC9900) is unknown color: approx Gamboge. HEX triplet: CC, 99 and 00. RGB value is (204,153,0). Sum of RGB (Red+Green+Blue) = 204+153+0=357 (47% of max value = …
#CC9900 Hex Color Code - SchemeColor.com
The hex code "#CC9900" represents the color name "Chinese Gold", a key color widely used in design and branding. On this page, you'll find detailed color information, including not just hex …
C9900-U330 | Battery pack | 倍福 中国 - Beckhoff Automation
Rated at 3.4 Ah, the maintenance-free C9900-U330 24 V battery pack offers a very high nominal capacity in a compact package. All Industrial PCs can be equipped with a 24 V power supply …
#CC9900の色見本やRGB、HSVなどの詳しい色情報です。 色相や彩度を変えたときの配色も見ることができます。