CCR2 - Wikipedia
CCR2 is a CC chemokine receptor. This CCR2 gene is located in the chemokine receptor gene cluster region. Two alternatively spliced transcript variants are expressed by the gene. [5] This gene encodes two isoforms of a receptor for monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (CCL2), a chemokine which specifically mediates monocyte chemotaxis.
Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 receptor CCR2B is a ... - PubMed
2000年11月1日 · Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) binding to its receptor, CCR2B, plays an important role in a variety of diseases involving infection, inflammation, and/or injury. In our effort to understand the molecular basis of this interaction and its biological consequences, we recognized a conserved hex …
Cell Prolif|华西医院魏霞蔚团队对CCL2-CCR2信号轴在癌症中作用 …
CCR2属GPCR家族,并以两种剪接变体形式存在,即CCR2A和CCR2B。 已发现CCR2A和CCR2B仅在末端羧基尾部不同。 图2 CCL2-CCR2轴在肿瘤发展中的作用汇总。 CCL2与CCR2相互作用,维持肿瘤细胞生长和增殖;CCL2可招募CCR2+TAMs、MDSCs和Th2细胞,创造利于肿瘤进展的免疫抑制微环境;TAM分泌的VEGF通过与CCR2+血管内皮细胞的相互作用促进肿瘤血管生成;CCL2促进单核细胞分化为MAMs以及肿瘤转移前生态位的形成,加速转移性肿瘤细胞 …
CCR2A and CCR2B, the two isoforms of the monocyte ... - PubMed
Here we have investigated the distribution of the main MCP-1 receptors CCR2A and CCR2B in IIM by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. We have shown by reverse transcription-PCR that both CCR2A and CCR2B were expressed at low level in normal muscle and that CCR2A was up-regulated in IIM (P=0.02) and ...
Analysis of CCR2 splice variant expression patterns and functional ...
2022年5月12日 · The CCR2 gene encodes two isoforms: CCR2A and CCR2B. The CCR2B open reading frame is localized in a single exon, similar to other chemokine receptors, and CCR2A and CCR2B feature different amino acid sequences in their C-terminal intracellular loops due to alternative splicing.
Chemokine Receptor CCR2b Enhanced Anti-tumor Function of …
2021年3月10日 · In this study, a CAR specific for tumor antigen mesothelin (Msln-CAR) was co-expressed with cell chemokine receptors CCR2b or CCR4. Findings showed that CCR2b and CCR4 enhanced the migration of Msln-CAR T cell in vitro by transwell assay.
Chemokine Receptor CCR2b Enhanced Anti-tumor Function of ... - PubMed
2021年3月11日 · In this study, a CAR specific for tumor antigen mesothelin (Msln-CAR) was co-expressed with cell chemokine receptors CCR2b or CCR4. Findings showed that CCR2b and CCR4 enhanced the migration of Msln-CAR T cell in vitro by transwell assay.
CCR2剪接变异表达模式和功能特性分析,Cell and Bioscience - X-MOL
2022年5月12日 · ccr2 基因编码两种同种型:ccr2a 和 ccr2b。 CCR2B 开放阅读框定位于单个外显子,类似于其他趋化因子受体,并且由于选择性剪接,CCR2A 和 CCR2B 在其 C 末端细胞内环中具有不同的氨基酸序列。
癌症免疫治疗新靶点——CCR2 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
研究人员发现,在乳腺癌小鼠模型中,癌细胞中编码CCR2的基因的缺失显著降低了肿瘤的生长速度,小鼠的存活时间延长了大约两倍。 他们对这种差异背后的生物学过程进行了进一步的研究。 结果表明,表达CCR2的癌细胞会产生免疫抑制的微环境。 CCR2阴性癌细胞的 I类MHC (负责向杀伤性T细胞呈递抗原蛋白)的表面水平较高, PD-L1 水平较低。 CCR2信号似乎通过破坏 树突状细胞 的成熟来实现免疫抑制,树突状细胞是最重要的抗原呈递细胞,对免疫应答的启动至关 …
靶向CCL2-CCR2轴的肿瘤治疗研究进展 - 仁和软件
2018年8月29日 · ccr2位于3号染色体上,编码355个氨基酸残基蛋白,包括ccr2a和ccr2b两个亚型。ccr2属于g蛋白耦联受体,在各种细胞类型上都有发现,包括嗜碱性粒细胞,单核细胞,自然杀伤细胞和t细胞 。