整合素α亚基CD51 - mabnus.cn
2024年7月26日 · 有研究报告了一种新的机制,其中cd51被γ-分泌酶复合物直接切割以产生细胞内结构域(cd51-icd)。 该研究发现CD51-ICD通过增强氧化磷酸化(OXPHOS)来促进肿瘤进展,并且主要由CAFs分泌的骨膜蛋白(POSTN)可以与HCC细胞上的CD51结合并促进CD51切割。
Integrin alpha V - Wikipedia
ITGAV encodes integrin alpha chain V. Integrins are heterodimeric integral membrane proteins composed of an alpha chain and a beta chain. Alpha V undergoes post-translational cleavage to yield disulfide-linked heavy and light chains, that combine with multiple integrin beta chains to form different integrins.
CD51 correlates with the TGF-beta pathway and is a functional
2016年9月5日 · CD51 knockdown reduced the side population, sphere formation, cell motility and inhibited tumor incidence and metastasis in an in vivo tumor model. Furthermore, CD51 could bind transforming...
人 CD 抗原完全指南 - Abcam中文官网
设立分化簇 (CD) 命名系统的目的是对白细胞表面抗原进行分类。 最初,表面抗原是根据与它们结合的对应单克隆抗体进行命名。 随着各实验室逐渐发现抗原常能刺激产生多种单克隆抗体,因此需要采用一种统一的命名系统。 1982 年于巴黎举行的第 1 届国际人类白细胞分化抗原专题讨论会 (HLDA) 上通过了目前使用的命名系统。 根据该命名系统,已经充分表征的抗原将会分配数字(例如,CD1、CD2 等),而对于仅有一种单克隆抗体可以识别的抗原分子,则分配临时名 …
杨扬教授团队发表最新研究成果:整合素CD51通过游离胞内结构 …
2023年8月28日 · 该研究发现整合素家族蛋白CD51促进肝细胞癌远处转移的全新机制,为以整合素为靶点的综合肿瘤治疗提供了重要理论支撑,开拓了未来发展思路,具有很强的临床转化价值。 我院肝脏外科学科带头人杨扬教授,中山大学中山医学院项鹏教授作为共同通讯作者。 图1:文章信息. 肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC)作为全球第二大致死恶性肿瘤,在确诊时往往已伴发远处转移,严重限制了肝癌患者预后。 然而针对其远处转移,目前可用的治疗手段十分有 …
CD51 correlates with the TGF-beta pathway and is a functional …
CD51 knockdown reduced the side population, sphere formation, cell motility and inhibited tumor incidence and metastasis in an in vivo tumor model. Furthermore, CD51 could bind transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) receptors, and that it upregulated TGF-β/Smad signaling.
CD51 在 CD8 T 细胞上的表达和功能作为免疫调节靶 …
CD51 is a transmembrane glycoprotein of the integrin family that plays a role in cell adhesion, migration, tumorigenesis, and other cellular functions. In this study, we aimed to investigate the expression and function of CD51 on CD8 T cells.
p53-dependent CD51 expression contributes to characteristics of …
2018年5月9日 · Here we demonstrate that CD51, in part, correlates with the poor prognosis of PCa patients. Further, we find that CD51 is a functional molecule that is able to promote the malignancy of PCa...
Combined inhibition of surface CD51 and γ-secretase-mediated CD51 …
This study reveals that the γ-secretase complex directly cleaves CD51 to produce an intracellular domain (CD51-ICD), which functions as a pro-tumoral transcriptional regulator and can bypass the inhibitory effects of cilengitide by entering the nucleus.
Expression and function of CD51 on CD8 T cells as an ... - PubMed
2023年6月18日 · CD51 is a transmembrane glycoprotein of the integrin family that plays a role in cell adhesion, migration, tumorigenesis, and other cellular functions. In this study, we aimed to investigate the expression and function of CD51 on CD8 T cells.