High resolution TEM imaging of CdTe | Stanford Digital Repository
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a useful technique to study this type of materials on a small scale down to near atomic resolution in order to try to relate the structure of the material …
Structural and compositional dependence of the CdTe - Nature
2016年7月27日 · Four solar cells were prepared with 50, 100, 200 and 400 nm-thick CdSe layers to reveal the formation, growth, composition, structure and photoactivity of the CdTe x Se 1−x …
Real-time monitoring of CdTe quantum dots growth in aqueous
2024年4月3日 · In this work, we present a new approach for monitoring the formation of QDs in aqueous solution up to 90 °C, through in situ luminescence analysis, using CdTe as a model …
The CdTe CdS system offers one of the most promising photovoltaic devices for terrestrial applica-tions, due to the near-optimum bandgap and high absorption coefficient of CdTe. …
Structural and optical properties of CdTe + CdTeO3 ... - Springer
2020年4月2日 · Cadmium telluride plus cadmium tellurite (CdTe + CdTeO 3) nanocomposite films were grown by radio frequency magnetron sputtering at room temperature. The CdTe + …
TEM images of colloidal CdTe (left) and CdSe QDs (right). High ...
TEM images of colloidal CdTe (left) and CdSe QDs (right). High-resolution TEM image shows clearly the atomic arrangement of CdTe nanocrystals. [...] This paper highlights the results of …
The roles of ZnTe buffer layers on CdTe solar cell performance
2016年4月1日 · TEM analysis of the CSS absorbers suggests the formation of core–shell nanostructures comprised of Zn and Cu x Te at GBs and defects in the CdTe near the back …
TEM-based Cathodoluminescence of a Selenium-alloyed CdTe …
2020年6月15日 · Here, we use xenon ion milling and cryogenic sample cooling to boost signal from the TEM foil, enabling high resolution CL imaging of a bilayer CdSeTe/CdTe solar cell for …
Spontaneous Organization of Single CdTe Nanoparticles into ... - Science
2002年7月12日 · Nanoparticles of CdTe were found to spontaneously reorganize into crystalline nanowires upon controlled removal of the protective shell of organic stabilizer. The …
CdSe、CdTe和Co_3O_4高能晶面增强的光催化与传感性能及其物 …
研究了 CdSe、CdTe和Co3O4不同晶面暴露的原因,提出了可能的形成机理。 研究了 CdSe和CdTe纳米片的光催化降解有机物性能,并与暴露其他晶面纳米晶的光催化性能进行比较。