Modifying redox properties and local bonding of Co3O4 by CeO2 …
2021年5月24日 · The local bonding environment of Co3O4 can be modified after the introduction of nanocrystalline CeO2, which allows the CoIII species to be easily oxidized into catalytically active CoIV species...
CeO2 Nanostructures Enriched with Oxygen Vacancies for …
2019年12月12日 · Here, sunlight-assisted combustion synthesis of a nanoscale metal oxide (CeO 2) is reported. The sunlight, as a clean renewable energy source, is used for the first time to initiate the exothermic combustion reaction and to introduce oxygen vacancies into the CeO 2.
Oxygen Vacancy Generation and Stabilization in CeO2–x by Cu ...
2019年4月12日 · According to the analysis of Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra, it has been evidenced that Cu introduction benefits the chemical stabilization of O vacancies in CeO 2–x during photocatalytic CO 2 reduction, which is responsible for the improved and sustained photocatalytic activity.
Controlled synthesis of nanosized Cd-CeO2 for efficient pH …
2025年1月1日 · Cd doping enhances the structural and photocatalytic performance of CeO 2 nanoparticles. It is observed that the oxygen vacancy defects are enhanced by the Cd doping up to 6 %. Minimum band gap of 3.09 eV is noticed at 6 % of Cd doping. Cd-doped CeO 2 catalysts are prospective for wastewater treatment.
CeO2 as an “electron pump” to boost the performance of Co4N in ...
2023年5月15日 · CeO 2 extracts electrons from Co 4 N and optimizes interfacial electronic structure. Favorable H 2 O adsorption/dissociation and G *H of Co 4 N@CeO 2 accelerate HER. Introduction of CeO 2 lowers the potential-determining step barrier of OER. Strong adsorption of Co 4 N@CeO 2 to OH - is beneficial to the HMFOR process.
Core-shell CeO2@C60 hybrid serves as a dual-functional catalyst ...
2023年3月1日 · In the present work, we have synthesized a fullerene-C 60 -based CeO 2 @C 60 core-shell hybrid and characterized it with various state-of-art techniques to explore its OER performance and photocatalytic properties under natural sunlight.
Promoting the electrochemical properties of yolk-shell-structured CeO2 …
2021年9月22日 · We report the design and synthesis of yolk-shell-structured CeO2@void@C using a self-template strategy method, a promising lithium-ion battery anode with improved capacity and stability.
CV curves of CeO2-W a and CeO2-E b; the plots of anodic peak …
In this work, nanosphere-like and nanowire shaped CeO2 nanocrystals were prepared at room temperature utilizing the epoxide precipitation reaction in aqueous and ethanolic solutions. It was found...
【ACS Nano】调节明确的 CeO2 纳米酶上的 H2O2 激活途径可以 …
2023年8月14日 · 在本研究中,制备了八面体、棒状和立方体形状的单晶CeO2,分别作为Ce7c (111)、Ce6c (110)和Ce6c (100)位点的载体。 虽然Ce6c (110)被发现显示出多种活性,正如文献中经常报道的那样,但令人惊讶的是,Ce6c (100) (由立方体承载)具有最好的POD-/CAT样活性,却没有HPO样活性。 而Ce7c (111) (由octa承载)则呈现相反的趋势,其POD-/CAT-样活性可以忽略不计,但HPO-样活性很高。 Ce6c (100)和Ce7c (111)位点之间的极端活性表明H2O2的激活途 …
NiO@CeO2纳米花材料的合成及其超级电容器性能 - 掌桥科研
采用乙醇辅助的水热法制备了超级电容器NiO@CeO2纳米花材料.利用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)分别研究了材料的结构和形貌;采用循环伏安(CV)、恒流充放电测试以及电化学阻抗研究了材料的电化学性能.XRD表明,NiO@CeO2电极材料与NiO具有相似的结构.SEM显示,NiO@CeO2电极 ...