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CD34 peripheral staining in dermatofibroma is observed in cellular dermatofibroma and deep FH and is weak and patchy CD34 is strong and diffuse throughout dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans S100, HMB45, MelanA / MART1, nestin (Patterson: Weedon's Skin Pathology, 5th Edition, 2020)
Pathology Outlines - Deep fibrous histiocytoma
2024年11月11日 · Atypical, cellular and aneurysmal fibrous histiocytomas recur locally in 25% of cases (Weiss: Enzinger and Weiss's Soft Tissue Tumors, 7th Edition, 2019, Am J Surg Pathol 2008;32:354) Case reports 34 year old man with left index finger mass ( Case Reports Plast Surg Hand Surg 2023;10:2207637 )
Pathology Outlines - Dermatomyofibroma
2024年9月9日 · Dermatofibroma: Collagen trapping at the periphery of a dermatofibroma Frequently displays epidermal hyperplasia / induction Factor XIIIa positive; SMA often negative Hypertrophic scar: Look for other features of scar, including ablation of rete ridges, perpendicularly oriented vessels, nonspecific arrangement of fibroblasts and collagen
Pathology Outlines - Factor XIIIa
Differentiates dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (CD34+, factor XIIIa-) from dermatofibroma or benign fibrous histiocytoma (FH) (CD34-, factor XIIIa+) FXIIIa (AC-1A1) is a sensitive and specific marker for sebaceous differentiation ( J Cutan Pathol 2018;45:1 )
Pathology Outlines - Blue nevus / cellular blue nevus
2023年1月23日 · More cellular, tight storiform pattern, infiltrative, has pigmented variant Nevus of Ito / nevus of Ota; Desmoplastic nevus (Arch Pathol Lab Med 2011;135:327) Desmoplastic Spitz nevus; Metastatic melanoma: Blue nevus-like cutaneous melanoma metastasis Cellular blue nevus: Atypical cellular blue nevus
Pathology Outlines - Cellular neurothekeoma
2012年11月1日 · Cellular, myxoid or mixed subtypes Involves dermis or subcutis Multinodular mass with myxoid matrix and peripheral fibrosis Whorled or focally fascicular patterns of spindled and epithelioid mononuclear cells with abundant cytoplasm, indistinct cell borders Margins usually positive; usually occasional multinucleated giant cells
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Smears are usually moderately cellular and show spindle shaped to ovoid (histiocyte-like to fibroblast-like) cells in cohesive clusters or dispersed cells (Diagn Cytopathol 2021;49:E36) Nuclei show mild to moderate pleomorphism with vesicular chromatin Nuclear grooves or intranuclear inclusions may be present
Pathology Outlines - CD10
2023年1月17日 · Colonic carcinoma and high grade dysplasia associated stroma, dermatofibroma, dermatofibrosarcoma (Hum Pathol 2002;33:806) Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, Ewing sarcoma, female adnexal tumor of probable Wolffian origin (FATWO) (50 - 100%), gastric carcinoma associated stroma (Arch Pathol Lab Med …
Pathology Outlines - Keloid
2023年5月22日 · Answer A is incorrect because while dermatofibroma can be similar in appearance, it is typically more cellular and is most common on the legs. Answer B is incorrect because while hypertrophic scars can overlap in histological appearance with keloid, they are generally more cellular and have less keloidal collagen.
Skin-melanocytic tumor - Staging of melanomas
2017年11月21日 · Dermatofibroma; Desmoplastic melanoma; Malignant blue nevus; Melanoma; Myoepithelioma. Cellular blue nevus General ===== Usually pigmented, biphasic tumor with component of classic blue nevus and distinct cellular areas composed of spindled to oval melanocytes with clear or finely-pigmented cytoplasm (Arch Pathol Lab Med 2011;135:327) …