Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) - Model Teaching
2018年1月29日 · Claim-Evidence-Reasoning or CER is a writing strategy that can develop a student’s analytical thinking and argumentative writing skills to turn that “I don’t know” into “aha, so that’s why we got those results in the lab.” What exactly is CER, and how does it work? CER all starts with a question asked by the teacher.
How to Teach Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER) Like a Pro
Do your students struggle with the CER model (claim, evidence, and reasoning) in science class? Are you looking for an easy way to introduce claim, evidence, and reasoning so that your students can relate? Keep reading to learn tips and tricks that will …
Using the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) Framework in the …
2012年9月25日 · According to the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) model, an explanation consists of: Your students might suggest this explanation: Air is matter (claim). We found that the weight of the ball increased each time we pumped more air into it (evidence). This shows that air has weight, one of the characteristics of matter (reasoning).
How to Write a CER: A Step-by-Step Guide, with Examples - wikiHow
2024年10月30日 · Learning how to write a CER paragraph is crucial to thinking like a scientist—not to mention, doing well in science class. This article will teach you how to come up with a claim, collect evidence, and provide your reasoning for a CER. We’ll even provide example sentences to get you started.
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning: What You Need to Know
CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) Writing Overview. CER writing is a framework that consists of three parts: Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning. This format is the perfect scaffold for argumentative or analytical writing and serves to break down arguments into manageable chunks for students.
Using the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) Model: A Blueprint for ...
The Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) model has emerged as a cornerstone for empowering students to think analytically and articulate their ideas with confidence. Rooted in scientific inquiry yet versatile across disciplines, the CER model equips students with the skills needed to navigate academic challenges and real-world complexities.
Claim Evidence Reasoning: Using the C.E.R. Model for Scientific …
What is CER? CER is a writing strategy that helps students analyze information and experiences in an organized, concise manner. The process for elementary students usually starts with a question or prompt from the teacher relating to a scientific concept they are familiar with.
CER Model: Claim-Evidence-Reasoning - Science Curriculum
Infuse lessons and labs with the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning model of learning and assessment that is prominent in the Common Core /Smarter Balanced paradigm. Click the buttons below for examples and more detail.
CER Checklist - Model Teaching
A checklist for each section within a CER response is included here. It includes a detailed list of what should be included within the claim, evidence, and reasoning lessons for your students. The teacher can use this checklist when modeling CER responses in class.
Using the CER Model in the Science Classroom - Laney Lee
2025年2月20日 · The CER model stands for Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning. It provides students with a clear structure for writing scientifically instead of encouraging one-word responses. Students will follow the following systematic approach: 1) Make a claim: What do you believe to be true? 2) Provide evidence: What data or observations support your claim?