Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) contains all the procedures applicable for abnormal and emergency conditions in an easy-to-use format. In addition, performance data corrections are also provided for specific conditions. The QRH is a stand-alone document. On the back cover of the QRH, the Normal Checklists are usually also provided.
小飞机与支线客机的机型简介(三)〖塞斯纳500/550/650系列〗(转 …
2008年7月13日 · Cessna S550 Citation S/II: 在早期奖状II型基础上进行较大的改进,设计了全新的机翼结构,换装普拉特-惠特尼公司JT15D4B涡轮风扇发动机,1984年2月14日首飞。
赛斯纳-550通用飞机 - 百度百科
cessna 172sp quick reference v3.1: dec2024 emergency landing engine fire in flight engine failure in flight altr fail home home qrh e-qrh/misc. abnormal operations preflight interior emergency landing engine start – flooded engine preflight exterior engine failure in flight engine start – using external power before start engine fire in
Cessna Citation II - Wikipedia
On May 26, 1993, a Cessna 550 landed at Southampton Airport, England, with a reported tailwind of 15 kn (28 km/h; 17 mph), whereas the flight manual specified a maximum tailwind limit of 10 kn (19 km/h; 12 mph); with this tailwind, the landing distance required was …
CITATION II Specifications, Cabin Dimensions, Performance
CITATION II manufactured by Cessna. Specs, range, speed, operating weights and performance for the CITATION II here
Cessna 550 Citation · The Encyclopedia of Aircraft David C. Eyre
2019年5月17日 · Two 2,750 lbst Pratt & Whitney PW530A turbofans. Continued development by Cessna produced the Model 550 Citation II, which was larger, faster, climbed more quickly, cruised at higher altitudes, and ranged further than earlier Citation models. Two prototypes were flown, the first on 31 January and the second on 28 April 1977.
Citation II Performance, Specifications and Comparisons - Liberty …
The Citation II has a maximum range (subject to headwinds, high altitude, hot temperatures, or higher capacity) of 2300 miles and a maximum speed of 432 mph. Common names and abbreviations: CE-550, CE-550.
Citation 550/551 | Handbook | Business Air News
2012年7月9日 · Cessna developed a larger capacity Citation model in the mid 1970s, a stretch version of the Citation 500 that could accommodate up to 10 passengers. More powerful 2,500 lbf Pratt & Whitney Canada JT15D4 engines and greater fuel tankage meant higher cruise speeds and longer range, and greater fuel capacity and span wings were also added.
1992 CESSNA CITATION II (CE550) N308A S/N 550-073 Description: Passengers: 8 + 1 (Certified Lav) Max Takeoff Weight: 14,100 lbs Max Landing Weight: 13,500 lbs Payload Full Fuel: 680 lbs Max Cruise Speed: 355 knots Range max cruise: 1,220 nautical miles Take-off distance 50ft obstacle: 3,100 ft/min AD´s and MSB´s up to date