CET User Interface (UI) Comparison Between 15.0 (old) UI and 15.5 UI
2024年11月15日 · Configura has modernized the CET user interface (UI) for better usability and efficiency. For a video walk-through of the changes, please view our online tour. Previous version (15.0 old UI): Updated version (15.5): Tools that have been converted to Toggle tools and moved to the right side of the Menu bar: Menu bar Toggle tools: 2D Toolbar Icons:
CET Turns 20: Our UI Gets a Glow Up! - Configura
2024年5月6日 · UI Stability with backend improvements to improve user experience and general system performance; users will have the choice to try the new UI while retaining access to the current interface. UX Design Guidelines introduced to improve quality, design cohesion and user experience across the platform.
CET Facelift – Configura Help Center
CET Facelift CET User Interface (UI) Comparison Between 15.0 (old) UI and 15.5 UI
Release Notes: CET 15.0 Major – Configura Help Center
2024年5月20日 · CET & Spec Updates. To ensure consistency between CET's Calculation and Spec, we have added two new columns to the Calculation: Manufacturer Code: information is auto-populated from manufacturer product data. Generic Code: information is auto-populated from the TAG2 Part Tag assigned to products.
全国大学英语四、六级考试(CET) - 中国教育考试网
全国大学英语四、六级考试 (CET)系教育部主办、教育部教育考试院(原教育部考试中… CET笔试每年开考两次,分别于6月和12月举行,具体考试时间我中心将会在每年年初… CET口试每年开考两次,分别于5月和11月举行,具体考试时间我中心将会在每年年初…
Help opening cyber engine tweaks. : r/cyberpunkgame - Reddit
2021年11月28日 · I recently discovered an interesting behavior related to keybindings for CET (Cyber Engine Tweaks). It appears that when you bind "INS (INSert)" key to something while Num Lock is on, it registers the keybind as "Unknown+Insert.".
CET UI - Specification Documentation Updated for 2025 Release
The Cost Effectiveness Tool (CET) database . Cost Effectiveness Tool (CET) database documentation. https://cedars.cpuc.ca.gov/cet_ui/spec/
Troubleshooting | Cyber Engine Tweaks - REDModding
If you're experiencing performance issues with CET, first make sure to Reinstall CET as per the instructions to rule out side effects from old files. If that doesn't make the problems go away, make sure to update Windows and your graphics driver as …
CET_UI: 学校程序设计周的背单词程序的图形化版本 - Gitee
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cet-study-ui: 四六级英语学习系统前端 - Gitee
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