Ceto – Mythopedia
Sep 4, 2023 · Ceto is even more obscure in Roman literature, though Pliny the Elder (23/24–79 CE) did make a passing reference to an ancient Near Eastern cult of Ceto in his Natural History (5.14.69). Additional information on Ceto, including her role in works that are now lost, can be found in texts, reference works, and commentaries produced during the ...
Phorcys - Mythopedia
Sep 6, 2023 · Phorcys, son of Pontus and Gaia, was a Greek sea god. He fathered a host of mythological monsters with his sister-consort Ceto. Among these terrifying children—sometimes collectively known as the “Phorcides”—were the Gorgons and the Graeae.
Gorgons – Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · In Hyginus, Fabulae pref.9, the Gorgons are the offspring of Ceto and Gorgon, rather than Ceto and Phorcys, and are thus the half-sisters of the Graeae. ↩; Hesiod, Theogony 333–35. ↩; Hesiod, Theogony 295–97 (though the reading of these lines is disputed). ↩; Only according to the scholia on Apollonius of Rhodes’ Argonautica 4.1399 ...
Medusa - Mythopedia
Mar 11, 2023 · Medusa, the daughter of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, was the most feared of the Gorgons. It was said that anyone who looked directly at her was immediately turned to stone. Medusa was often depicted as a terrifying winged female with snakes instead of hair.
Echidna - Mythopedia
Mar 22, 2023 · Echidna was a female serpent-monster of Greek mythology, the daughter of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto. She was usually represented with the head and torso of a woman and the tail of a serpent. Echidna mated with another monster, Typhoeus, and together they spawned a new generation of monsters, including Cerberus, the Chimera, the Hydra, and Orthus
Pontus – Mythopedia
Mar 9, 2023 · Pontus, born to Gaia at the beginning of the cosmos, was the Greek primordial god who personified the sea. Together with his mother Gaia, he fathered many ancient sea deities, including Nereus, Phorcys, and Ceto.
Graeae - Mythopedia
Jan 18, 2023 · Hesiod, Theogony 270ff; Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 798ff; Apollodorus, Library 2.4.2; in Hyginus, Fabulae pref.9, the Gorgons are the offspring of Ceto and Gorgon rather than Ceto and Phorcys (and thus the half-sisters of the Graeae). ↩; Hesiod, Theogony 333–35. ↩; Hesiod, Theogony 295–97 (though the reading of these lines is disputed ...
Nereus – Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · His siblings were Phorcys, Thaumas, Eurybia, and Ceto. In an Orphic tradition, however, Nereus is one of the Titans , born to Gaia and Uranus (“Sky”) rather than Gaia and Pontus, [14] and there were also sources that made Nereus the father of Pontus [15] or even the brother of Zeus and Poseidon.
Greek Creatures - Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · Greek mythology is full of strange and often terrifying creatures, some born at the very beginning of the cosmos. Many of these creatures terrorized mortals until they were slain by brave gods or heroes.
Cerberus – Mythopedia
Mar 8, 2023 · Cerberus, the terror-inspiring offspring of the primordial monsters Typhoeus and Echidna, was the guard dog of the Greek Underworld. In most literary and artistic representations, Cerberus had three heads and a mane of snakes.