CFU-E - Wikipedia
CFU-E is a stage of erythroid development between the BFU-E stage and the pro-erythroblast stage. CFU-E colony assay is designed to detect how many colony-forming-units of erythroid lineage there are in a hematopoietic tissue (bone marrow, spleen, or fetal liver), which may be reflective of the organism’s demand for oxygen delivery to the ...
红细胞的生成过程(三个阶段) - 血液病学 - 天山医学院
bfu-e和cfu-e是红系祖细胞群中两类性质不同的细胞亚群,它们的区别包括一般特性、对细胞因子的反应以及抗原和受体的表达。 红系祖细胞的一般特性及表面抗原/受体
CFU 检测中造血祖细胞的培养与分析 - 丁香通
2019年4月28日 · cfu(集落形成单位)检测是对造血干细胞与祖细胞(hspcs)分析最为广泛使用的方法之一。cfu 检测可以量化一个样品中个别细胞的增殖以及分化能力。这些细胞的潜能可以通过观察由每个接种的祖细胞所产生的集落(更多分化的细胞所组成)来衡量。
Characterization, regulation and targeting of erythroid …
The erythroid progenitors BFU-E (burst-forming unit-erythroid) and CFU-E (colony-forming unit-erythroid) have a critical role in erythropoiesis. They represent a heterogeneous and poorly characterized population of cells with modifiable ...
造血细胞发育程序及其鉴别方法 - 血液病学 - 天山医学院
在红细胞系统,有暴增性红细胞集落形成单位(burst forming unit,erythroid;BFU-E)和红细胞集落形成单位(colony forming unit,erythroid;CFU-E)。 前者比后者幼稚,细胞表面受体种类较多,增殖潜力较强,能在红细胞生成素和干细胞因子或白细胞介素3的协同作用下形成 ...
Isolation and transcriptome analyses of human erythroid progenitors ...
2014年12月4日 · Burst-forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E) and colony-forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E) cells are erythroid progenitors traditionally defined by colony assays. We developed a flow cytometry-based strategy for isolating human BFU-E and CFU-E cells based on the changes in expression of cell surface markers during in vitro erythroid cell culture.
Colony Forming Unit E - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Erythroid-committed progenitors form two distinct types of colonies termed CFU-E and BFU-E. In the presence of erythropoietin (EPO), CFU-E divides rapidly and gives rise to single erythroblast colonies, whereas BFU-E is generally a slow-dividing cell and gives rise to larger colonies of erythroblasts (Kimura et al., 1984).
Colony Formation: An Assay of Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells
2019年6月14日 · CFU-E: Colony-forming unit-erythroid. CFU-E are mature erythroid progenitors. They produce 1–2 clusters containing a total of 8–200 erythroblasts and require erythropoietin (EPO) for differentiation (Fig. 4a). BFU-E: Burst-forming unit-erythroid. BFU-E are more immature progenitors than CFU-E and require EPO and cytokines with burst ...
From stem cell to red cell: regulation of erythropoiesis at …
2011年12月8日 · Using BFU-E and CFU-E cells purified from mouse fetal liver by a new flow cytometric technique (both BFU-E and CFU-E are kit-positive and -negative for Ter119, B220, Mac-1, CD3, Gr-1, CD32/16, Sca-1, CD41, and CD34, whereas BFU-E express low levels of CD71 and CD24a compared with CFU-E) and cultured in …
小鼠造血干细胞集落(CFU)鉴定 - nwbiotec.com
使用造血干细胞半固体各种培养基可以检测的小鼠造血祖细胞类型包括: CFU-E:红细胞集落形成单位。 在EPO存在的情况下,CFU-E集落由1 - 2 个细胞簇生成。 CFU-E集落在48小时后进行计数。 这些集落比较小,需要在40x-50x镜下观察。 一个集簇至少包含8个红系细胞。 簇内的红系细胞形状不规则,几乎融合在一起。 没有图片显示,然而,从CFU-E衍生出来的集落看起来像一个来自BFU-E集落的单个簇(包含大约250个簇),如图1所示。 BFU-E:爆式红细胞集落形成单位。 …