CFU-Eos - Wikipedia
CFU-Eo is a colony forming unit that gives rise to eosinophils. [1] Some sources prefer the term "CFU-Eos". [2] It is also known as "hEoP". [3]
Inhibition of CFU-NM and CFU-EOS by Mature Granulocytes
1984年2月1日 · The present experiments show that, although neutrophils inhibit CSF production, the ratio of CFU-EOS to CFU-NM is unaffected by this inhibition. They further suggest that mature eosinophils may also inhibit in vitro granulopoiesis.
Eosinophil differentiation in the bone marrow is promoted by …
2016年4月7日 · We demonstrate that inhibition of eosinophil development is SHP2-dependent and SHP2 is sufficient to promote eosinophil formation in vivo. Our data reveal SHP2 as a critical regulator of eosinophil...
微生物实验中的CFU是什么意思? - 知乎
2022年3月28日 · CFU是 菌落形成单位 (Colony-Forming Units),是指在 琼脂平板 上经过一定温度和时间培养后形成的每一个菌落,是计算细菌或霉菌数量的单位。 我们都知道,微生物无处不在,而且微生物个体十分小,肉眼无法直接进行观察,必须要借助 显微镜 进行观察,一些不易观察的菌还需要借助 染色 之后才能清楚看到。 而菌落形成单位(CFU)则是通过分散以及稀释得到单个菌体或者是多个菌体的聚集体,然后在培养基上培养形成肉眼可见的菌落,最后通过对菌 …
造血干细胞与淋巴细胞 - 百度文库
表面抗原和黏附分子,是 T 细胞识别抗原、 与其他免疫细胞相互作用以及接受信号刺激 并产生应答的物质基础,也是鉴别和分离 T 细胞的重要依据。 的受体,也是所有T细胞特征性的表面标志。 于部分 T 细胞、胸腺细胞、某 些 B 细胞、单核吞噬细胞和脑 细胞。 功能:MHC-II类分子的配体. 部分T细胞、胸腺细胞和NK 细胞。 功能:MHC-I类分子的配体. 具有一定的表面标志。 调节有关。 正常造血干细胞每分裂一次,它的一个 子代细胞分化为祖细胞 (progenitors) ,另一个细胞 保 …
Modulation of in vitro eosinophil progenitors by hydrocortisone: …
The growth of human eosinophil progenitors (CFU-Eo) and the modulation of growth by hydrocortisone were studied as functions of the presence of lymphocytes and monocytes in marrow cells under study; and the source of colony-stimulating factors, specifically, media conditioned by macrophage-like cell line, GCT; phytohemagglutinin-stimulated ...
Inhibition of CFU-NM and CFU-EOS by mature granulocytes
The purpose of our study was to determine: (1) whether progenitor cells committed to eosinophil or neutrophil maturation would be differentially affected by feedback inhibition, and (2) whether mature eosinophils added to the feeder layers of the culture would inhibit the proliferation of CFU-C in a manner similar to that described for neutrophils.
Influence of interleukins 3,5, and 6 on the growth of eosinophil ...
Purified preparations of natural murine interleukin (IL)-5 and recombinant human IL-1 alpha, IL-3, and IL-6 were evaluated alone, and in combination, for effects in vitro on colony formation by eosinophil progenitors (eosinophil colony-forming units, CFU-Eos) in either nonadherent low-density T-lymp …
Inhibition of CFU-NM and CFU-EOS by mature granulocytes
Approximately half of the colony-forming units-culture (CFU-C) from normal peripheral blood are eosinophilic. The purpose of our study was to determine: (1) whether progenitor cells committed to eosinophil or neutrophil maturation would be differentially affected by …
红细胞的生成过程(三个阶段) - 血液病学 - 天山医学院
ERC或ESC在加入EPO的体外半固体培养环境中培养5~8天,可生成由8~65个红系细胞组成的细胞团,称为CFU-E。 可以由G-6-PD同工酶分析确定。 其形态学表现为核染色质细致,细胞核大,有大核仁,有清楚的核周带及少量的嗜碱性胞质。 人类骨髓中的CFU-E数因不同的分离方法和培养条件而异,约为(50~400)×10 5 /L有核细胞。 大部分CFU-E是处于活跃的DNA合成期(S期),多数体外实验证实CFU-E细胞表面带有较密的EPO受体,且依赖EPO存活。 BFU-E …
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