CG (X) - Wikipedia
The CG(X) program, also known as the Next Generation Cruiser program, was a United States Navy research program to develop a replacement vessel for its 22 Ticonderoga-class cruisers. Original plans were for 18–19 ships, based on the 14,500 ton Zumwalt-class destroyer with additional ballistic missile defense and area air defense for a carrier ...
CG(X)巡洋舰 - 百度百科
“提康德罗加”级巡洋舰是一型多任务水面战斗舰艇,以防空为主; 美国海军 CG (X)计划建造19艘,仍将为多任务舰艇,主要任务是防空和弹道导弹防御,特别是防御隐身 巡航导弹 和机动弹道导弹弹头。 CG (X)还将执行制海和兵力投送等任务。 CG (X)防御系统性能将远超现役巡洋舰“宙斯盾”作战系统,除装备全世界最灵敏的防空雷达和面空导弹之外,还将与联合部队其它作战资源联合,进行 网络中心战。 由于油价的上涨,美国开始研究是否在未来巡洋舰等舰艇上使用 核动力 …
CG(X) Next Generation Cruiser / Advanced Cruiser - GlobalSecurity.org
2014年7月7日 · The CG(X) is the Multi-mission follow-on to DD(X) with enhanced Missile Defense / Air Warfare capability. Development of CG(X), the next generation cruiser, will begin in the future.
如何看待美国重启2万吨巡洋舰CG(X)计划? - 知乎
如何看待美国重启2万吨巡洋舰cg(x)计划? 7月9日,美国《国防新闻》网站报道称,美国海军将重新研发下一代2万吨级的CG(X)巡洋舰,本世纪初以来,美军CG(X)未来巡洋舰计划经历了“上马,下马…
Will the U.S. Navy Build New Cruisers? - Naval News
2024年7月4日 · • a cruiser called the CG(X) for the AAW [Anti-Air Warfare] and BMD [Ballistic Missile Defense] mission, and • a smaller combatant called the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) to counter submarines, small surface attack craft, and mines in …
CG(X)——先进到连美国都搞不出来的巡洋舰 - 搜狐
2016年10月17日 · 作为防空为主的巡洋舰,CG (X)上最引人瞩目的便是AMDR防空反导雷达,由S波段雷达、X波段雷达以及配套控制组件构成。 其中,S波段雷达用于体搜索、弹道导弹跟踪与识别以及导弹通信,X波段雷达用于水平精确搜索和跟踪,并提供导弹通信和终端照射,雷达配套控制组件用于协调这两个不同波段的雷达,做到不同任务下快速无缝切换。 LCS独立号濒海战斗舰. 相比美国海军现役“宙斯盾”系统中的SPY-1D型雷达,AMDR雷达采用了有源相控阵技术,雷 …
CG(X) Next Generation Cruiser - GlobalSecurity.org
CG (X) will project an umbrella of air and missile defense, protecting carrier and expeditionary strike groups, ground forces, and land-based air forces. It would carry the proposed Kinetic...
美國未來巡洋艦計畫CG (X) - mdc.idv.tw
原本cg(x)的大型艦體價值,是能夠搭載直徑22英尺級amdr相位陣列雷達天線以及kei反彈道飛彈動能擊殺器,然而日後美國海軍海基反彈道飛彈體系則朝向網路化、分散化發展,透過作戰網路結合不同的感測與攔截發射平台,透過規劃中的反彈道飛彈預警衛星以及 ...
The primary mission of the new cruiser, designated CG(X), will be to promptly detect, track and engage airborne and ballistic threats before they can inflict harm on U.S. forces or interests. Five basic performance requirements drive the design of the CG(X).
2007年6月13日 · Although the CG(X) AOA is examining a wide range of design options for the CG(X), the Navy has publicly stated on several occasions that it prefers a CG(X) design based on the design of its new 14,500-ton DDG-1000 destroyer.
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