3篇Nature+2篇Science | 细胞核内cGAS和核小体结合并抑制其催化 …
2020年9月9日,美国德克萨斯A & M大学化学系 刘文设 教授和生物化学与生物物理系 李平卫 教授团队在 Nature 期刊上发表文章:The molecular basis of tight nuclear tethering and inactivation of cGAS,揭示了细胞核内cGAS和核小体结合并抑制其催化活性的分子机理。 这项研究工作的主要的发现如下: 1、在西雅图华盛顿大学Daniel Stetson 教授发现cGAS定位于细胞核内且与染色质结合的基础上(Volkman et al. eLife, 2019),研究人员通过细胞定位也发现在HeLa细胞和小 …
The Innate Immune DNA Sensor cGAS Produces a Noncanonical …
2013年5月30日 · As a negative control, dsDNA (required to stimulate cGAS activity) was omitted from a parallel reaction. Then, the resulting cGAS products were purified and transfected into HEK 293T cells expressing STING variants. In contrast to synthetic cGAMP, the cGAS product was able to activate hSTING REF and mSTING R231A (Figure 2 C).
Measuring cGAMP in 293T cGAS cell lines by LC-MS/MS a, …
Upon binding with dsDNA, cGAS converts ATP and GTP to cyclic GMP-AMP (cGAMP), which binds to STING and activates TANK binding kinase 1 (TBK1) and interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3), inducing...
The STING phase-separator suppresses innate immune signalling
2021年4月8日 · cGAS activation induces STING ER-associated biocondensates. Cytosolic DNA induces the LLPS of cGAS to promote innate immune activation 33.
cGAS suppresses genomic instability as a decelerator of
2020年10月14日 · In STING-deficient cells, such as U2OS and human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells, cGAS is unable to activate type I interferon expression (10). In addition to sensing foreign DNA in the cytosol, cGAS also contributes to the surveillance of DNA damage in the nuclear genome (11).
cGAS-STING 信号通路发现史(上) - 知乎专栏
Extracellular cGAMP is a cancer-cell-produced ... - Nature
2020年2月24日 · In contrast, we detected much lower extracellular cGAMP levels in 293T cells, which have very low cGAS expression, and in primary human PBMCs, which have high cGAS expression but likely no ...
为什么质粒导入受体细胞不会被免疫攻击而DNA会? - 知乎
之所以你有这种错觉,可能是因为我们常转染质粒的细胞是293T,但这种 细胞系 是cGAS STING均缺失的。 想回复所有评论的各位,将 质粒转化 到细胞,注意,是细胞! 除非你做in vivo的 腺病毒 转入核酸,你在体外请问哪儿有免疫细胞? 哪儿有免疫细胞引发的反应? 这是个伪命题! 都会被免疫攻击。 一般来讲,只要机体觉得不是自己的东西的都会被免疫攻击。 建议观看关于核酸免疫攻击,或者更广一点, 模式识别受体 方面的文献。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创 …
Nature | 陈志坚团队首次系统性揭示cGAS-STING在细胞自噬中的功能
2019年3月13日 · 研究人员发现,使用ISD(interferon stimulatory DNA),HT-DNA,cGAMP,HSV处理BJ细胞 (人皮肤成纤维细胞),都能引起LC3被酯化生成LC3-II(细胞自噬的标志)、GFP-LC3点状聚集,诱导自噬的发生。 作为对照,作者发现Poly(I:C)(双链RNA类似物,模拟RNA病毒感染)和Sendaivirus (SeV,仙台病毒为RNA病毒)不能引起细胞自噬现象。 进一步,通过基因敲除实验发现,DNA刺激引起的细胞自噬依赖于cGAS、STING。 STING 的CTT结构 …
The Molecular Basis of Tight Nuclear Tethering and Inactivation of cGAS …
Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) is a dsDNA sensor that catalyzes the synthesis of a cyclic dinucleotide cGAMP, which mediates the induction of type I interferons through the STING-TBK1-IRF3 signaling axis 7 - 11. It was widely accepted that cGAS is not reactive to self-DNA due to its cytosolic localization 2, 12, 13.