Capillary electrophoresis - Wikipedia
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a family of electrokinetic separation methods performed in submillimeter diameter capillaries and in micro- and nanofluidic channels.
Capillary Electrophoresis - SCIEX
SCIEX and its capillary electrophoresis (CE) portfolio are your partner to explore new frontiers and achieve actionable outcomes. With a track-record of delivering high-quality results …
Imprensa - Controladoria e Ouvidoria Geral do Estado
Neste mês, a Controladoria e Ouvidoria Geral do Estado do Ceará (CGE) celebra 22 anos de dedicação ao aperfeiçoamento da gestão pública e à melhoria dos serviços prestados aos …
毛细管电泳工作原理 (capillary electrophoresis, CE)(二)
2020年7月27日 · 毛细管电泳(Capillary Electrophoresis,CE )是八十年代后期在全球范围内迅速崛起的一种分离分析技术。 具有快速、高效、高灵敏度、易定量、重现性好及自动化等优 …
毛细管 电泳 (capillary electrophoresis,CE)又称高效毛细管电泳(high performance capillary electrophoresis,HPCE),是一类以毛细管为分离通道、以 高压 直流 电场 为驱动力的新型 …
Scope: trophoretic technique used for size-based separation of proteins and iomolecules. CE-SDS can be thought of as a combination of regular CE and SDS-PAGE. In essence, the BGE …
刘博谈 | 一文读懂毛细管电泳(CE) - 知乎
2023年11月16日 · 毛细管电泳(CE)是一系列分析技术的名称,涉及在电场影响下在狭窄的毛细管内分离带电分子。 这些技术(图1)的起源可追溯到20世纪30年代瑞典生物化学家Arne …
准峰面积百分比RSD值在0.71%-2.55% ,展示了CGE-LIF 方法用于RNA样品纯度及完整性分析良好的稳定性和较高的检测灵敏度。同时,mRNA原液和制剂主峰迁移时间重复性高度一致,
Analysis of therapeutic nucleic acids by capillary electrophoresis
2022年9月20日 · This review discusses the recent technical advances of CE in nucleic acid analysis such as polymeric matrices, separation conditions and detection methods, and the …
毛细管电泳(Capillary electrophoresis,CE)——分离分析方法
CGE是基于分子筛原理,经十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)处理的蛋白 或多肽在电泳过程中主要靠分子形状、分子量不同而分离。 目前,又有一种非交联欢、线性、疏水多聚凝胶柱被用于多肽物 …