Center on Global Economy and Governance (CGEG)
The Center on Global Economy and Governance (CGEG) was created with the recognition that without adequate global economic governance there is a greater possibility of major crises and a tendency toward protectionism and political upheaval. It is our mission to develop, promote and implement new theories, studies and policy initiatives that cut ...
中国地质装备集团有限公司 (简称“中地装集团”)成立于1987年,原属地质矿产部、国土资源部,1999年加入世界500强企业中国机械工业集团有限公司(国机集团),为国机集团所属全资子公司。
About | Center on Global Economy and Governance (CGEG)
The goal for CGEG is hence to become a premier Center for producing a new wave of policy-oriented research on global economic governance, stress excellence and recognition, and achieve visibility and impact.
Jeffrey D. Sachs | Center on Global Economy and Governance (CGEG)
Jeffrey D. Sachs is a world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, innovative educator, and global leader in sustainable development.
CGEG - 中国地质装备集团有限公司
CGEG is the wholly owned subsidiary of China National Machinery Industry Corporation which is one of world’s top 500 enterprises, and is the manufacturer of resources and environmental engineering equipments.
中国地质装备集团有限公司 - CGEG
CGEG has built China's sole and internationally advanced ultra-low magnetic laboratory,and electronic test laboratory,and we are responsible for key technology and equipment research, development, testing work.
中地装集团召开2025年工作会议 - cgeg.com.cn
2025年1月20日 · 会议通过对宏观经济形势、行业发展环境、企业发展现状进行分析,指出当前面临的形势任务,强调要强化使命感、紧迫感、危机感,以进促稳、进中求稳,破立并举、革故鼎新。 会议明确,2025年,中地装集团要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的二十大和二十届二中、三中全会精神,贯彻落实中央经济工作会议和中央企业负责人会议精神,按照集团总体工作部署,聚焦高质量发展主题,坚持“进”的主基调,以统筹推进中地装改革 …
About Us | Geological Equipment Supplier | CGEG
CGEG has products suitable for use in the main procedures of geological exploration including ground geophysical exploration, geological drilling, core sampling, well inspection as well as chemical analysis of the minerals.
Staff Directory | Center on Global Economy and Governance (CGEG)
David Caughlin manages the overall functioning of the Center on Global Economic Governance (CGEG) and the Master of Public Administration - Economic Policy Management (MPA-EPM) program at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.
Geotechnical Drilling Rigs | Geological Tools Supplier | CGEG
China Geological Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (CGEG) was established in 1987. Our products are suitable for use in the main procedures of geological exploration including ground geophysical exploration, geological drilling, core sampling, well inspection as well as …