Your journey to the CGMA® designation - AICPA & CIMA
What is the CGMA designation? The Chartered Global Management Accountant ® (CGMA) designation is a globally recognised distinction of accounting and finance professionals who …
This website has been developed by the AICPA and CIMA and is subject to license agreements between the AICPA, CIMA and the Association of International Certified Professional …
CIMA 的考试预约 - Pearson VUE
有多种方法可以学习 cgma 专业资格认证。 无论您选择哪条路线,您都将获得相同的资格认证和相同的 CGMA 称谓。 但你会按照自己的节奏,按照自己的方式到达那里。
职业资格认证|CIMA中国唯一官方网站 - aicpa-cima-cn.com
“cgma商业精英国际挑战赛”(简称"gbc")是由aicpa® & cima® 国际注册专业会计师公会发起的一项面向全球在校本科生的国际级赛事,它旨在发现及培养大学生卓越的商业特质,融会所学知 …
学习常见问题|CIMA中国唯一官方网站 - aicpa-cima-cn.com
进入Global官方网站,点击MYCIMA,点击Forgotten your contact ID or password? 输入ID与安全问题回答,官网会在10分钟内发送一个新的密码到邮箱。
Login | AICPA & CIMA
AICPA® & CIMA® is the most influential body of accountants and finance experts in the world, with 689,000 members, students and engaged professionals globally. We advocate for the …
AICPA协会会员如何获取CGMA证书? - 知乎专栏
从2015年开始,AICPA协会会员只需要通过一个strategic case study examination的考试即可获得CGMA的证书。 但是,在参加考试之前,会员需要符合下述条件: 1. 三年的在商务、企业、 …
CIMA: Your future starts here | CIMA
Study an internationally recognised finance qualification and become a Chartered Global Management Accountant® (CGMA®), whatever your background. Learn to mitigate and …
CGMA candidate exam FAQs | Resources | AICPA & CIMA
CIMA's CGMA exams are available in many countries you can choose to schedule at a test centre or online. More information on test centre exams in your country is available at Pearson Vue.