Charro Saddles - General Saddlery Discussion - Leatherworker.net
2010年4月16日 · Most of the charro saddles I have seen do have very short bars, have only a rim fire front rigging where a ring is hung on a loop of leather around the fork on each side, many have stirrup leathers that are very long going around twice ( I cut a set last year for a charro that had a finished length of @ten feet.).
Saddle Tree Blog - General Saddlery Discussion - Leatherworker.net
2011年8月27日 · In 1979 the quality of saddle trees was perhaps the worst in history so with a mitre box & a hand saw Dad made a sort of a saddletree. It would of course not work,He saw that it could be done so He went & bought a band saw built a sander & viola Dad begin making trees.He taught himself to rawhide & with time & practice became quite good at it ...
First Charro Saddle - Saddle & Tack Maker Gallery
2012年10月29日 · This is my first attempt at a saddle and at posting. This is a 15 1/2 Charro saddle. The tree was made by Timberline and the bars were set wider than a typical Charro saddle and it fits our quarter Horse. I have really enjoyed the forum and appreciate all who have shared their knowledge. I look f...
Charro Horn Wade - Saddle & Tack Maker Gallery
2009年5月2日 · Well, here it is, my latest creation. Timberline Ray Hunt Wade tree with a 5.5" charro horn. scallops on the horn, cantle, skirts and stirrup half covers. Hermann Oak leather with dark brown antique and black trim. Trina Weber 4" bell stirrups, and Hansens sterling overlay conchos and buckle set ...
Vintage Charro Saddle - Saddle Identification, Restoration
2014年11月6日 · Vintage Charro Saddle. By Wenny, November 6, 2014 in Saddle Identification, Restoration & Repair.
Charro Horn Wade - Page 2 - Saddle & Tack Maker Gallery
2009年5月2日 · Good Job! Looks an awful lot like the saddle my dad has in the bit and saddle show at the Western Folklife Center in Elko, Nv that opened back in Jan. His is on a tree with a little more front like the charro saddles and the horn is a bit bigger but still they sure look a lot alike. Still a nice job. Steve
Mexican rigged saddle information - Leatherworker.net
2022年9月19日 · Looking for information on an older Mexican rigged saddle. It has very thin, leather and no fleece, just mattress ticking sewed to the underside of the saddle. Interesting shape to the stirrups, they must be metal under the leather. They are also on the wrong sides. Strings are tied on, kind of a...
diference between a cowhorse saddle and reiner saddle
2008年6月8日 · Our horses have to ride between our legs, which means that their shoulders have to be straight up and their hind end behind their front or as we sometimes say-- tracking straight. If you are used to building a Charro saddle, I assume you usually have a flat seat with no rise.
Latest Wade Saddle Build - Leatherworker.net
2024年3月20日 · This is my first half breed. I built this saddle for a friend and he let me try it for a few weeks - I really liked how it felt. On the saddle horn - This is a Swanke tree and I am 75% sure I asked for a 3/4" slope from front to back of horn. It is nice to rope out of - Used it for starting a colt and was happy with how it felt.
Differences - General Saddlery Discussion - Leatherworker.net
2022年6月5日 · The "Wade," as we know it, did not show up till about 1940. Visallia Saddle Co. make very popular slick fork saddles with steel horns from the late 1800's thru the 50's. Their 3B is still a very popular slick fork swell still today. Much of …