Chavismo - Wikipedia
Chavismo (from Spanish: chavismo), also known in English as Chavism or Chavezism, is a left-wing populist political ideology based on the ideas, programs and government style associated with the Venezuelan President between 1999 and 2013 Hugo Chávez [1] that combines elements of democratic socialism, socialist patriotism, [2] [3] Bolivarianism ...
查韦斯主义 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
查韦斯主义(西班牙語: Chavismo )是一种左翼 意识形态,其基于委内瑞拉前总统 乌戈·查韦斯在1999年至2013年任内所倡导的思想、计划和政府风格 [1] 。
Chavismo | political system and ideology | Britannica
…outcome as a victory for chavismo, and the Maduro-friendly election commission pronounced the elections clear. In refuting the results, the opposition alleged that there had been widespread ballot manipulation and pointed to the last-minute relocation of hundreds of polling places without public notice (often away from opposition strongholds ...
The Many Faces of Chavismo - NACLA
Seen as a whole, Chavismo takes shape less as a single movement linked by an overriding ideology than as an assemblage of often contradictory movements and ideologies that developed in at least four distinct stages: a first stage preceding Chávez’s first electoral triumph in 1998, which brought the collapse of one political order and the ...
Chavismo - Venezuelanalysis
2013年1月4日 · Today Chavismo is one of the largest leftist political and social forces with one of the greatest impacts on the world, and it has become a reference point for the “poor of this earth” (a reference to Cuban revolutionary, José Martí).
Venezuela and Chavismo | World History - Lumen Learning
Chavismo A left-wing political ideology that is based on the ideas, programs, and government style associated with the former president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez. It combines elements of socialism, left-wing populism, patriotism, internationalism, bolivarianism, post-democracy, feminism, green politics, and Caribbean and Latin American ...
Why Venezuela’s Chavistas are fiercely loyal to Maduro, despite …
2019年2月22日 · Many Venezuelans continue to credit Chavismo with redistributing the country's oil wealth through social programs, and giving the poor a voice in Venezuelan politics.
What Is Chavismo? - The Borgen Project
2014年3月3日 · But what is Chavismo? What are the origins of this political movement that has swept up the Venezuelan state and has until recently, been extremely popular? Chavismo has its origins in the beginnings of Chavez’s political career. In 1997, the Fifth Republic Movement was founded to support Chavez in the 1998 presidential elections.
查韦斯主义是什么? - 知乎
El legado polarizador de Hugo Chávez: chavismo, medios y opinion pública en la política interna Argentina. REVISTA DE CIENCIA POLÍTICA. Torre, Carlos, D, L. (2016). Hugo Chávez and the diffusion of Bolivarianism. DEMOCRATIZATION. Weyland, K. (2021). The Politics of Market Reform in Fragile Democracies: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela.
undermine Chavismo's democratic goals. This article provides a descriptive case study of Chavismo, the movement that supports President Hugo Chaivez in Venezuela. It argues that Chavismo meets the minimal political definition of populism recently proposed by Weyland (2001), Roberts (1995; 2002) and de la Torre (2000). By this I mean that ...