HEK293 - 百度百科
HEK293细胞,又叫人胚胎 肾细胞 293,是一个衍生自人胚胎肾细胞的 细胞系,具有转染效率高,易于培养等特点。 HEK293细胞极少表达细胞外配体所需的内生受体,且比较容易转染,是 …
HEK 293细胞的特点和应用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
人胚肾 293 (hek 293) 细胞是生物技术和研究中常用的细胞系之一。由于 hek 293 细胞具有较高的生长效率,通常生成用于生物医学和药物研究的外源性蛋白质。hek 293细胞 也会被用于各种 …
HEK293细胞系的认识及区别 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年9月2日 · 293细胞系原本是原代人胚肾细胞转染 5型腺病毒(Ad 5) DNA的永生化细胞,表达转染的腺病毒5的基因。 human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cell line,HEK293 293细胞分 …
HEK cells – what’s to know on Human Embryonic Kidney Cells
2023年7月11日 · HEK cells (human embryonic kidney cells, often referred to as HEK-293 or HEK293) are a specialized cell type widely used in cell biology research. These cells were …
HEK Cell Splitting and Maintenance | &en Lab - University of …
Human embryonic kidney cells 293 (HEK-293) and 293T cells (those that contain SV40 Large T-antigen) show a reliable growth and have a propensity for transfection. Therefore, they are a …
哺乳表达宿主:人胚肾293细胞(HEK-293) - CSDN博客
HEK293细胞,也称为HEK-293、HEK细胞或简称HEK,代表人胚肾细胞,是众所周知的最重要的哺乳动物瞬时生产瞬转细胞之一。 这种细胞类型流行的主要原因之一是HEK细胞具有高转染 …
293 [HEK-293] - CRL-1573 - ATCC
293 [HEK-293] is a cell line exhibiting epithelial morphology that was isolated from the kidney of a human embryo. This cell line can be used in industrial biotechnology and toxicology research. …
HEK | Primary Human Epidermal Keratinocytes - Cell Applications
Human Epidermal Keratinocytes (HEK) provide an excellent model to study epithelial function and disease, skin biology, toxicology and HPV infection. When grown on inserts and provided a …
HEK293 Cell Line as a Platform to Produce Recombinant Proteins …
Among the human cell lines, HEK293 is widely utilized due to its high transfectivity, rapid growth rate, and ability to grow in a serum-free, suspension culture. In this review, we discuss the use …
使用基于 GFP 的报告系统分析 HEK-293T 细胞中的非同源末端连接 …
2024年2月2日 · 该方案描述了染色体外非同源末端连接(NHEJ)测定和同源重组(HR)测定,以量化HEK-293T细胞中NHEJ和HR的效率。 DNA 双链断裂 (DSB) 是最危险的 DNA 损伤, …