French Defence - Wikipedia
Following the opening moves 1.e4 e6, the main line of the French Defence continues 2.d4 d5 (see below for alternatives). White sets up a pawn centre, which Black immediately challenges by attacking the pawn on e4.
The French Defense Decoded: A Detailed Guide - 365Chess.com
The French Defense is a chess opening for black that starts with the moves 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5, and is one of the most effective ways to deal with 1.e4.
French Defense (How To Play It, Attack It, And Counter It) - Simplify Chess
The French Defense is a chess opening in which the following moves are played: The idea behind the French Defense is that Black plays e6 to prepare to advance d7-d5, in order to immediately challenge White’s pawn on e4.
Advanced Opening Analyses in Bughouse : The e6 - Chess.com
2017年1月28日 · Here is my new post about bughouse openings; in this text, I will cover the e6 - d6 system for Black. It does seem like a pretty passive system, but it's a solid opening that is quite playable, even up to the highest level.
The French Defense Decoded: A Detailed Guide | 365Chess
C00 - French defence: 1. e4 e6 . Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Opening Explorer
Chess Opening Theory/1. e4/1...e6 - Wikibooks
2024年10月30日 · After 1. e4 Black plays e6 signifying their intent to play the French Defence. The move 1... e6 bolsters support for the coming advance d7-d5, providing Black with a good stake in the center and allowing Black to decline recapturing with the queen after the plausible continuation exd5.
opening - How to play vs the 1...e6 and 2...d6 Pawn structure? - Chess …
2019年12月13日 · I've noticed that sometimes beginners play 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d6 as Black. As strange as it may seem, I find it difficult to play vs this neglected defense. Is it better to increase central control with an early 3. c4 (neglecting piece development) or to follow-up with 3. Nc3?
French Defense: Complete Guide for Both Colors - TheChessWorld
2024年2月9日 · French Defense is an Opening for Black that starts with moves: 1.e4 e6. It is so popular that a wide range of players opt for it; from beginners to Super Grandmasters. Black’s idea in this opening is to place a solid pawn wedge in the center (e6-d5). This structure is not indestructible as White can change this structure.
Chess Opening Theory/1. d4/1...Nf6/2. c4/2...e6 - Wikibooks
2023年11月19日 · 2...e6 is a move with several purposes. First, it opens a diagonal for the development of Black's dark-squared bishop. It also challenges White's ambition in the center by attacking the d5 square. By doing so, Black prepares to play ...d5 while discouraging White from playing d5 themself.
e6 opening?? - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2017年10月9日 · I have a beginner opponent I usually play against. When I play with white, usually open with e4, but his answer is always e6, instead of e5. Which advantages can I take from this conservative play?