CHFG Clinical Human Factors Group. The charity working to make ...
CHFG Clinical Human Factors Group. The charity working to make heathcare safer. The charity works with clinicians and experts to promote the use of Human Factors Science to make healthcare safer for patients and staff, to optimise well-being and improve system performance.
Our Team | CHFG - Clinical Human Factors Group
CHFG Trustee Sue Deakin is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, she specialises in trauma, paediatric orthopaedics and foot and ankle surgery. Sue is Clinical lead for Human Factors at West Suffolk.
Clinical Human Factors Group
As part of the Charity’s core mission to promote human factors science in education and training CHFG have produced a series of eLearning modules for healthcare. We use a human factors and ergonomics perspective to show how human performance and safety are affected by the way we behave, communicate and interact at work.
All Resources Archives | CHFG - Clinical Human Factors Group
Jun 3, 2024 · What are the challenges facing Human Factors in healthcare? Martin Bromiley OBE talks about the key challenges facing Human Factors in Healthcare. ...
Patient Safety APPG — Patient Safety Watch
Patient Safety Watch are proud to be part the secretariat team supporting the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Patient Safety, alongside Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) and the Clinical Human Factors Group (CHFG).
chfg-how-to-guide-to-human-factors-volume-2.pdf - Google Drive
In the last five years, the Clinical Human Factors Group (CHFG), amongst others, has raised awareness of the importance of applying human factors to the design of healthcare systems.
Our courses - Clinical Human Factors Group
Covers module one topics but in greater detail with more science and tools to improve individual and team behaviour. You can donate to help our work through PayPal, Total Giving or by …
"Michael" Heavy Clamshell Gloves – SoCal Swords
These low-profile mittens by CHFG offer incredible protection AND dexterity. A combo we thought was impossible is finally a reality! Right out of the box these gloves offer more mobility than any other mitten glove we have used before, which only increases as you break them in further.
Human Factors & Patient Safety 1: An Introduction
Based around a true story re-created in a new film ‘Just a Routine Appointment’ used to demonstrate the types of behaviour that create safety. Sharing the plan – so everyone has the right information. Recognise everyone working in healthcare can …
Human Factors Courses for Healthcare - CHFG
CIEHF accredited, bespoke human factors training, designed and delivered by senior healthcare professionals and qualified educators. We offer one-day courses for frontline clinical staff and multi-professional teams such as maternity, theatres and critical care.