  1. 美国超市牛肉部位的中英文:牛腩、牛腱子、牛肋条的 …

    • 我们喜欢吃的萝卜焖腩、红烧牛腩面里的牛腩,其实是一个统称,包括前胸、腹部、甚至靠近牛肋处的松软肌肉。牛有 13 对肋骨,香港街市买牛腩,最普遍的一个部位是坑腩,应该是指牛胸前 8 支肋骨切下来的腩 … 展开

    牛肋条 Ribs

    牛左右两边各有 13 根肋骨,肋骨与肋骨之间的肉切出来,就是牛肋条 rib fingers。连着骨头切成一段一段的,就是牛仔骨 short ribs。与骨头垂直切成一片一片,每片肉都带着若干块小骨 … 展开

    牛肩 Chuck Roast / Blade Roast

    肩胛肉,因为运动得多,肉质较老,价格也实惠。多数做法是慢烤,看名字也可以看出来。有很多慢炖锅食谱就是模仿慢烤的效果,但是省力省电很多。这个部位也常拿来做成绞肉。可以切 … 展开

    腓力牛排 Tenderloin / Filet Mignon

    也叫小里脊、牛柳,是牛的脢肉。跟猪肉类似,是牛身上最嫩的一块,油花少,一不小心就煎过熟了。有些人觉得不够 rib eye 或 sirloin 多汁,口感也不够丰富。但由于一头牛只有两条小里 … 展开

    T 骨 T Bone

    T 字竖杠两边的两块肉分别是 New York strip 和 tenderloin steak,所以一块 T bone 能吃到两种口感的肉哦。T bone 切片的位置不同,其 New York strip 和 tenderloin 的大小也不同。靠近 … 展开

  1. Chuck Tender | Lean - Beef - It's What's For Dinner

    Square-Cut Chuck Primal | Primal Cut This large primal comes from the shoulder area and yields cuts known for their rich, beefy flavor. Features roasts ideal for slow-cooking as well as more tender, grill-ready cuts such as the Flat Iron Steak.

  2. bing.com › videos
  3. 牛排–牛肉各部位名称图解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏

    1. chuck 肩肉。 从这里可以切出: . blade steak「 板腱牛排 」,又称嫩肩里脊,是牛肩中心的无骨牛肉,肉质较其他部位的牛排硬。

  4. Chuck Tender Roast | Lean - Beef - It's What's For Dinner

    Chuck Tender Roast | Lean Also Known As: Chuck Filet; Medallion Pot Roast; Mock Tender Roast; Scotch Tender Lean roast that requires slow-cooking to tenderize.

  5. Hot Take: Beef Chuck Roast Is Better than Beef …

    2022年12月2日 · We break down the differences in flavor and texture of beef chuck-eye roast and beef tenderloin. Click through to learn more and get tips for cooking each.

  6. Beef Tenderloin Vs Chuck Roast: What You Need To Know

  7. Is Beef Chuck Tender Actually Tender? - The Spruce Eats

    2020年1月3日 · The chuck tender is from the beef chuck primal, consisting of the supraspinatus muscle, which is situated forward of the large chuck subprimal known as the shoulder clod. It's sometimes called a mock tender, scotch …

  8. Chuck Tender Roast Slow Cooked to Tender Perfection

    2024年2月5日 · Chuck tender roast is best when slow cooked with moist heat also known as the pot roast method. When prepared in this manner the cut becomes fork tender and can effortlessly be pulled apart. It is simply perfect …

  9. Chuck Roast vs Chuck Tender Roast: Which is a Better Option?

  10. Beef Tenderloin Vs Chuck Roast: What’S The Difference?