Today, several countries continue to collect a “church tax” on behalf of officially recognized religious organizations, in some cases levying the tax on all registered members.1 These …
2021年1月1日 · not identify with any religion and a shrinking share of people who say they regularly attend a church or other house o wo ship. Still, religion c ntinues to play a stronger …
2016年8月10日 · The amended constitution refers to the church as the “Established Church of Norway” and continues to stipulate that the king must be of the Evangelical-Lutheran faith. The …
Appendix A: Anchor words for topic identification This table shows the topics included in the analysis and the anchor words that determined whether a particular response mentioned each …
the few months before the poll was conducted. Within this group, about two-thirds (64%) say they heard clergy at their church or other place of worship speak about at least one of the six social …
2009年8月11日 · But as was the case when Bush first announced the initiative, many Americans express concerns about blurring the lines between church and state. Currently, 69% of …
2021年10月27日 · es – “church-state integrationists,” “church-state separationists,” and “mixed.” Those who offered four or more church-state integrationist answers (e.g., “Cities and towns in …
2021年3月7日 · The death penalty is opposed by the church; Pope Francis recently revised this section of the Catechism to say that capital punishment is “inadmissible because it is an attack …
Each Wednesday and Saturday evening, Naomi Magel and her husband attend Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Elgin, Texas. After the service, the couple takes their pastor, the Rev. …