Sailor Iron Mouse - WikiMoon
2024年9月5日 · Sailor Iron Mouse was the first of the Sailor Animamates to appear. In the anime, she posed as Chuuko Nezu ("Nezu" comes from the word "nezumi" (鼠), meaning "mouse"; "chuu" (ちゅう) is the sound of a mouse's squeak), a TV producer, and communicated with Sailor Galaxia via a telephone booth that would appear and disappear magically.
Sailor Iron Mouse (anime) | Sailor Moon Wiki | Fandom
In Shadow Galactica, Sailor Iron Mouse is the initial Sailor Animamate introduced to combat the Sailor Senshi. Tasked by Galaxia to gather true Star Seeds on Earth, she disguises herself as Chuuko Nezu, a Ginga TV producer. She maintains contact with Galaxia via a black phone.
Sailor Iron Mouse "Chuuko Nezu" - MyAnimeList.net
Sailor Iron Mouse is the first of the Sailor Animamates to appear. Her human pseudonym in the anime is Chuuko Nezu, which is a pun. In Japanese, Chuuko and Nezu are each perfectly acceptable names; however, "chuu" is the sound made by …
Sailor Moon Character Profiles-- Sailor Iron Mouse - Takeuchi Naoko
Manga: She kills the senshi of her own planet, Sailor Chuu, in exchange for the promise of becoming a true Sailor Senshi [later, of course]. Anime: It's assumed that she was a Sailor Senshi who was given the option, like Uranus and Neptune were, to either die without her starseed or to live and work for Sailor Galaxia.
Farewells and Encounters: The Transitioning Stars of Destiny
After she finishes, a mysterious short woman shows up telling her that she is Chuuko Nezu, a producer of Ginga TV. The actress says that it's not the right time for interviews if she wants one she'll have to wait. However, Nezu is not willing to waste time and takes off her clothes, revealing an entirely new outfit.
Nezu Chuuko - Character (8661) - AniDB
Looking for information about Nezu Chuuko - Character (8661)? AniDB is the right place for you. AniDB is a not-for-profit anime database providing you...
Sailor Iron Mouse
When she is disguised in human form, she goes under the alias Chuuko Nezu. You may note that she dresses almost like a guy, and has odango. She is killed by Galaxia because she doesn't get any star seeds, but she does know that Seiya is Sailor Starfighter.
Chuuko Nezu | Friendshipverse Wiki | Fandom
Chuuko Nezu (Japanese: ねず ちゅうこ Nezu Chuuko) is a supporting character in the Journey to the Dreams of Harmony saga alongside her teammates Adsila and Reiko. Chuuko has white/pale silver hair and gray/silver eyes.
Fighter's Secret Identity: The Shocking Super Transformation
Before she could reach the stairs, Chuuko Nezu shows up and introduces herself to Akane. However, the musical director is not interested in doing any interviews: She says that all Nezu's questions can be answered by watching the musical.
Nezu Chuuko • Sailor Moon • Absolute Anime
Nezu Chuuko from the anime Sailor Moon. Sailor Iron Mouse was the first to work under Sailor Galaxia. Her job was to find the Star Seed that Sailor Galaxia wanted so much. She wore pin-striped cloths quite...