Solved: NX-OS 9k stuck in loader> mode - Cisco Community
Hi, I am using NX-OS92 9.2.1 image for my GNS3 lab on VMware. Eachtime I start my switch it goes to loader mode, I have tried boot (image.bin) sometimes it load but mostly it comes back to loader prompt. I have also different versions of the nexus image, but same issue. What is the issue here? Is it...
Nexus 9k erase config / factory reset - Cisco Community
2023年10月5日 · These are the admin password reset steps for anyone who wants to know. Power on nexus Ctrl + c, this puts you in loader use this command .. cmdline recoverymode=1 Then this command .. Dir …this is gonna find the latest NX OS in bootflash Boot the latest nx os .bin Now we're in switch (boot)# where we can CONF T Switch (boot) (config)# admin-password <secret squirrel> ... Have you tried ...
Nexus 9K NTP no sync - Cisco Community
2017年10月27日 · Hello All, can anyone tell me why we are not able to sync NTP from Nexus 9504, 93180, 92160, two command we configured: #ntp server 10.x.x.x prefer #ntp source-interface Vlan (mgmt) We are able to sync from WAN router but not any of the Nexus switches. We are able to do sync from Cisco 6509 a...
What is Difference between catalyst 9000 vs nexus 9000
2019年2月21日 · Hello, Everyone. Can anyone Guide me what is the difference between catalyst 9000 and Nexus 9000? Where we use in the network and Features of Catalyst 9000 and Nexus 9000.
(suspended(no LACP PDUs)) Nexus 9000 - Cisco Community
2015年11月18日 · Hi all, I have a 9372 with the following issue. One of the inteface from my port-channel is in (suspended(no LACP PDUs)) Eth1/3 connected trunk full 10G 10Gbase-SR Eth1/4 suspended trunk full auto 10Gbase-SR ! interface port-channel20 switchport mode trunk ...
ASR9K - Command to Check Fan Speed and Fan Version - Cisco …
2013年10月29日 · Solved: Hello Could you let know how I could check the Fan Speed setting and fan version on a Cisco ASR9k running 4.2.3 Regards Sreenath
Solved: Packet capture in. N9k - Cisco Community
Could anyone share guide to capture interface packet in and out in n9k like monitor captur using ethanalyzer
Configure Nexus 9K w/SNMP v3 start to finish - Cisco Community
2021年6月26日 · Not a switch expert here so I am asking the community for a step-by-step on configuring SNMP v3 on a Nexus 9000 series. I am using it mainly for monitoring with ManageEngine OpManager. Not necessarily interested in encryption if it complicates things but would consider it. Tried a lot of searching b...
Nexus 9K interface speed - Cisco Community
2016年8月29日 · Nexus 9K interface support either 10G or 1G and not 100Mb so i you want 100Mbps port you can connect 2k to 9k that is fex (fabric extender) which will support 1G and 100Mbps. Regards, Pawan (CCIE#52104) Kindly rate or useful post.
Solved: Port Channel config on Nexus 9K - Cisco Community
2024年2月7日 · Long time looker, first time poster here, I'm configuring our new Nexus 9k switches and having some difficulty getting my port channels to configure. This is what I am trying to configure: int port-channel 10 description 9K-P2P-Link switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 100 switchport ...