Costco Anywhere Visa Card by Citi - Instantly denied
2025年3月8日 · My spouse is a longtime Costco employee with their Citi card and an executive membership. About 5 or 6 years ago I kept receiving preapproval mail from Citi so went ahead and applied under our membership ID. Instantly denied AFTER a hard pull. Letter eventually arrived saying declined because of a previous adverse Citi credit card account. It was so long …
Citi Double Cash & Rewards Plus questions/cashback card thoughts
2024年12月7日 · I was reading about the Citi Rewards Plus and Double Cash equaling essentially a 2.2% cashback combo. Would that mean you would have two - 6800535
Citi card returned, not delivered - myFICO® Forums - 4430036
2016年1月27日 · The Citi CSR confirmed the address was correct. Citi is mailing another card that should arrive in 5-7 business days. So it will almost be three weeks after approval by the time I get the card. Is this "boomerang delivery" normal for Citi? Banks in general? A postal sorting error? Or more likely to be related to the weather?
Does Citi let you transfer available credit to another card?
2021年6月7日 · If I don't get approved for enough limit on the new Citi card (or if the amount is such that I would have to max it out to pay for the siding), then I was wondering if Citi lets you move credit limit from one card to another like AMEX does.
Which Citi card to PC? - myFICO® Forums - 6789984
2024年9月27日 · Which Citi card to PC? I am most likely going to cancel my AA Platinum Select card ($13300) as the AF has hit. I was given this list of Eight No AF cards that are eligible to PC. Eight is a lot to me. I thought my situation would be a great topic to get guidance on from y'all in the Community.
Citibank Credit Card - How Long to Arrive? - myFICO® Forums
2018年4月21日 · Anyone with a Citi credit card know or remember how long it took for them to receive theirs in the mail? Just got approved for their DC on Wednesday and the Disco IT on Thursday. Disco is already on it's way (use USPS Informed App) and I know they automatically expedite, which is great, but called...
Citi available credit still not available? - myFICO® Forums
2017年5月9日 · Is your account new? I noticed the same thing when I got a couple of new Citi cards in the past 6 months. For the first few billing cycles & payments, it seemed to take a really long time for available credit to update after payments posted. So, to answer your question, this is probably normal for Citi, but it will probably get better after a few billing cycles.
Citi Card After BK? - myFICO® Forums - 5482603
2019年1月28日 · I thought it was an automatic decline for any Citi (non co-branded, retail) card as long as you have a BK on your report. I'm 8 years post discharge and the Citi pre-qual always says nothing for me. I actually had a Citi Best Buy card, but they inherited that from HSBC/Cap 1, and I closed it when Citi wouldn't budge on the $59 AF on the card.
Citi wants income verification - myFICO® Forums - 4978702
2017年6月18日 · Quick question, I currently have one of Citi's cards, they have very been good to me in the last year so I applied for another. Was approved for 8k but they stated to "complete the approval process" I needed to provide three recent paystubs or 2016 taxes. Now, I was completely honest when I provided...
Which bureau does Citi Pull from for their CC? *UPDATE* - Approved
2021年3月8日 · I've read that Citi sometimes pull from two bureaus on your first app with them, does anyone know what cards only require a single pull and which bureau? I was lookin at the Citi Costco Card and The Citi Best Buy card. Any suggestions?