Citroën C2 - Wikipedia
The Citroën C2 is a supermini that was produced by the French manufacturer Citroën, with production starting August 2003. It replaced the Citroën Saxo and was built at the Aulnay plant, on the outskirts of Paris. The Citroën C2 was discontinued in October 2009, and replaced by the Citroën DS3 in January 2010.
All CITROEN C2 Models by Year (2003-2010) - autoevolution
2023年12月7日 · Complete timeline of CITROEN C2 models and generations, with photos, specs reference and production years
Citroen C2 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions
VTS is the premium sports version of the Citroen C2, powered by a 1.6-liter 4-cylinder petrol engine, with two output options – 109 Hp and 122 Hp. It goes from 0 to 100 km/h in between 8.3 and 11.5 seconds (0-60 mph: 7.9 - 10.9 seconds) and to a top speed of 193 km/h (119.92 mph) - 202 km/h (125.52 mph), depending on the variant.
法式浪漫 CITROEN C2 VTR 1.6(圖多) - Mobile01
2007年5月9日 · Citroen C2 VTR 1.6--台灣總代理永業公司2004/11/17正式推出這款充滿運動氣息的掀背小車,當時開賣價59.8萬,保固一年不限哩程,而在2005年03月起保固延長為二年不限哩程,而小弟就是在2005年04月購入此車,購入價也是59萬在加乙式全險,業代只送隔...(法國車系綜合 第1頁)
雪铁龙 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
雪鐵龍汽車的外型設計大都保有獨特風格,不追隨市場流行,如雪鐵龍2CV 車款從1948年生產到1990年,與英國第一代Mini汽車一樣成為長期生產和古典懷舊汽車的代表,雪鐵龍 DS 車款則是汽車界前衛設計的代表作。 [5] 雪鐵龍專利的電腦控制液壓氣動式底盤懸吊系統在汽車界極為創新與出名,過彎時 電腦 會控制懸吊系統軟硬度讓其自動變硬,減少車身傾斜,即使一輪爆胎剩三個車輪也能自動平衡行駛,行駛舒適性也媲美大型高級 巴士,英國 劳斯莱斯汽车 汽車也曾購買此 …
Citroën C2 (2003-2009): Do you remember? - Motor1.com
2023年11月6日 · The Citroën C2 came onto the market 20 years ago. We take a look back and remember this original city car that was not continued over time.
可愛的時尚讓人愛不釋手 Citroen C2正式上市 | U-CAR新聞
C2 的動力系統與傳動系統與 C3 並無二致,1.6 升引擎可輸出 110 匹馬力,搭配 SensoDrive 自手排,配上小巧靈活的車身,在市區行車游刃有餘。 可惜自手排換檔之間頓挫感較為明顯,在需要加大油門超車的情況下,會感到不舒適。
Citroën 2CV – Wikipedia
Der Citroën 2CV, in Deutschland und Österreich oft Ente und in der Schweiz allgemein Döschwo genannt, war ein populäres Modell des Automobilherstellers Citroën mit einem luftgekühlten Zweizylinder-Viertakt-Boxermotor und Frontantrieb. Zwischen Sommer 1949 und Mitte 1990 wurden 3.868.631 viertürige Limousinen und 1.246.335 Lieferwagen ...
Classic Citroen 2CV For Sale - Hemmings
Classic cars for sale in the most trusted collector car marketplace in the world. Hemmings Motor News has been serving the classic car hobby since 1954. We are largest vintage car website with the...
Citroen 2CV Classic Cars for Sale - Classics on Autotrader
Based on the current Citroen 2CV listings for sale on Classics on Autotrader, you may find some that cost as low as $17,995 and max out around $31,450. While the average price of a Citroen 2CV is around $25,713, take a look at all the features, the vehicle's condition, and mileage to …