GitHub - dementedmonkey/cj4-mcdu: MCDU Web application for …
This project contains an application that will allow you to access the MCDU of the CJ4 from a web browser on a tablet or another PC. It includes 2 pieces - a web server application that your …
Releases · dementedmonkey/cj4-mcdu - GitHub
MCDU Web application for the Working Title CJ4. Contribute to dementedmonkey/cj4-mcdu development by creating an account on GitHub.
cj4-cdu/README.md at main · wolff-jonas/cj4-cdu · GitHub
This is a physical button box in the rough shape and functionality of the CDU of the Citation CJ4. It is primarily intended for use with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, but could be adapted to …
[HOW-TO] Citation CJ4 - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2020年8月17日 · All radio tuning in the sim is done through the TUN page of the CDU (FMS). This includes radios for BOTH communications and navigation, such as an ILS. Press the TUN button to bring up the following page: FMS Tune563×652 86.5 KB
CJ4 external MCDU - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2024年4月20日 · The DementedMonkey mod has an update on his GitHub server that is supposed to be compatible with SU15 Beta. You need to select the SU15 branch to find it. …
Another remote FMC for WT CJ4 - AVSIM
2022年1月30日 · For those wanting «fullscreen» FMC for their WT CJ4. Works great, responsive and fills screen on my ipad. https://github.com/dementedmonkey/cj4-mcdu. Thank you! Easy and fast to install. I hope all existing and future planes with MCDU and FMC will enjoy the same, it's so much easier! Bernard.
CJ4 Working Title CDU - AVSIM
2021年3月30日 · Thinking of supporting the Working Title CJ4 CDU in the future? And congratulations on your program, working very well with the CRJ MSFS 👍 Regards
Entering Coordinates in CJ4 CDU - Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft …
2024年12月2日 · Any one able to answer this question? CJ4 FMC. This does not always happen but it seems to be about a third of my flights. The format I figured out that works is 6210N as an example. Is this no longer possible with MSFS2024. Did the AAU updates not port over?
Working Title CJ4 CDU's inop. - AVSIM
2022年2月3日 · I am using latest version 12.11, SU7, no additional liveries. Every thing else on the panel is working apart from the CDU's I have tried using some of the WT previous versions, all with the same result. Is anyone else seeing this? Thanks Al
CDU Button Box for Citation CJ4 and MSFS - jwolff.it
2024年2月21日 · Depending on the airplane, CDUs come in various shapes, sizes and layouts. They all follow the basic "screen plus a bunch of buttons" style though. The CDU in this project is for a Citation CJ4 (in particular the Working Title CJ4 Mod for MSFS2020). In …